Positive Futures News

What is the EDSC Positive Futures program?

Positive Education brings together the science of positive psychology with best-practice teaching.


The school’s journey with Positive Education began in 2012 with Positive Education focuses and values implemented across each year level and over time has evolved into the whole school approach launched in 2020. 


Our Positive Futures program has some very clear goals:

  • We want to improve student quality of life and their engagement with others, including with their teachers.
  • We seek to develop students in a more holistic way, with a stronger focus on wellbeing.

There are six tenets of Positive Psychology that are embedded into our model:


Positive Health – Positive Self

Developing knowledge, understanding and skills to promote health and well – being.


Positive Relationships

Nurturing positive relationships based on respect. 



Generating hope and optimism through the accomplishment of personal and community goals


Positive Emotion

Building and experiencing positive emotion. 



Believing in serving something greater than ourselves.


Positive Engagement

Developing critical thinkers by promoting challenge, curiosity and creativity. 


More resources and information can be found here:


What is the focus for this term?

This Term students will be participating in sessions of physical activity, stress management as well as devising and implementing a community action project. 

Positive Health – Positive Self

Over the next few weeks with NAPLAN/Exams/Cycle reports just around the corner our curriculum is focusing on recognising and managing stress. Students will be exploring the impact that food and sleep can have on our bodies and minds. We will also be undertaking various ways to engage in mindfulness. 

Sleep Hygiene Links

For more information about how to improve your sleep hygiene go to 



Here is also a link to the 10 best sleep apps for 2021 







Positive Futures Book of the week 


Why We Sleep is an important and fascinating book…Walker taught me a lot about this basic activity that every person on Earth needs. I suspect his book will do the same for you.” —Bill Gates


Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences- every major disease in the developed world - Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes - has very strong links to deficient sleep. In this book, the first of its kind written by a scientific expert, Professor Matthew Walker explores twenty years of cutting-edge research to solve the mystery of why sleep matters. Looking at creatures from across the animal kingdom as well as major human studies, Why We Sleep

delves in to everything from what really happens in our brains and bodies when we dream to how caffeine and alcohol affect sleep and why our sleep patterns change across a lifetime, transforming our appreciation of the extraordinary phenomenon that safeguards our existence.

Rebecca James

Student Engagement and Connection Learning Specialist