
Label Jars, Not People

We as human beings are inherently susceptible to putting labels on ourselves. We are constantly using our latest achievements and failures to create false images and perceptions about ourselves. For example, an academic student who usually does well in exams suddenly bombs a test, may label themselves as ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’. This is purely based on their most recent ‘failure’, totally disregarding all their past achievements and performances of academic excellence. 


This is again seen in sport. If an elite athlete does not play as well or does not perform their best, their confidence and their own perception of themselves may diminish, even though they have already proven themselves an elite sportsperson. 


This also goes the other way with false confidence and arrogance. Sometimes we like to overestimate our abilities because we inflate our achievements. This can lead to a sense of arrogance or a toxic ego. 


Both scenarios are detrimental to our mental wellbeing. To create a more open and growth mindset, we must accurately evaluate our achievements and losses; both give credit where it is due and humble ourselves when we need to. Consider what you can learn from all experiences and apply it to the next challenge.


Michael Sebastian

Year 12 - Student Wellbeing Prefect