Principal's News
(Photo: 1/2 Shoe Lace Tying Incursion)
Principal's News
(Photo: 1/2 Shoe Lace Tying Incursion)
Dear Families and Friends,
We had some very excited students today when they went ‘shopping’ for their mothers this morning. A very big thank you to the 1/2 team for organising the gifts, being shop assistants and wrapping all of the gifts for 221 children!!
We are looking forward to seeing our mums tomorrow at the Mother's Day Breakfast. Thank you to the 3/4 Mums who have worked very hard to give our Mum's a treat and a morning off!
Naplan starts next week for the Year 3’s and 5’s. This is a test that all Year 3’s, 5’s, 7’s and 9’s take on an annual basis (except 2020 due to COVID). Our Year 3/4 and 5/6 teachers have been working with their students to familiarise them with the layout and way the test works. All students feel nervous going into this test but our teachers have been very good at supporting and reassuring our students.
A fact sheet/letter was sent home earlier this week explaining the NAPLAN process for all parents.
We have had an upgrade to our sign in and sign out system here at school. We are now using QR codes that can be accessed using the camera on your phone. It is similar to what you do when going into restaurants and other venues, but with information relevant to St Brigid’s. The upgrade only occurred yesterday so please bear with us we iron out the teething problems. In saying that, Tracey is all over it so it will be a seamless transition.
It is so good to see how many of our Cross Country team are training on a Wednesday morning over at the Governor Road running track. Hannah is very pleased with their progress and sportsmanship. The District Cross Country event is on Thursday 20th May.
Tuckshop is open tomorrow for lunch orders. Don't forget to place your orders by 9:00pm tonight. Click here for the link to CDFpay
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @StBrigidsPSMordialloc.
Wishing all Mothers a lovely day on Sunday.
Yours in partnership
Wendy Sullivan