Notizie Italiane 

Buongiorno a tutti!

Come stai?


Welcome back to another term. We have lots of fun learning happening in Italian this term, including trying out some new language about school subjects with the year 5 and 6 classes and learning how to describe what we do on different days of the week in year 1 and 2 classes.


As part of our SWELL activities last term, each student in the school either decorated a letter or drew something that represents Italy to them to go on our ‘Mi piace l’italiano’ artwork. This has now been finished and is proudly hanging in the Italian Room. Students have enjoyed finding where their own piece of handiwork is as well as admiring what others have done. Below are a few photos of the finished product.

Our Italian Leaders, Zara and Amelia, are continuing to do an amazing job coordinating our school ‘Word of the Week’ competition. 


So far, 3/4C, Prep A and 3/4MS have been the winners of ‘Bandi’ (short for La Bandiera Italiana or the Italian flag), our beautiful soft toy flag. 



This week, we are focusing on ‘Non lo so’. Ask your child what it means!




Signora Facchinetti