
Welcome back to a busy and exciting Term 2. I trust the holidays allowed for some family adventures and laughs!

With our weekly SWELL Term 1 sessions over, we now have the opportunity to continue these in our Art room with Faith and Jen, two talented and creative members of the OLHC community. The first session began this week with children from Prep-6 in SWELL group 1 working with a buddy, being  introduced to ‘egg picnic’.  

Egg Picnic is a two person design/art team who create simple, stylised art prints with the intent of helping to prevent extinction through education. Egg picnic hopes to inspire people to protect the natural world.

Please enjoy these photos of Group 1’s success with a buddy to learn and create through the Visual Arts.

We are privileged to have Faith and Jen continue this project over the next nine weeks, sharing their knowledge, passion and skills with all of the children. 

Many thanks for this initiative Jen and Faith.

Please contact me if you have any questions about this project or anything else regarding your child’s learning.

I can be contacted via email at lindy.chaplin-holmes@olhceltham.catholic.edu.au or on the school number 9397824

Have a great week!



Learning Diversity & Wellbeing Leader