Student and Family Wellbeing

Well, term 2 is up and running. The time flies when you are having fun. The wellbeing team continues to offer support to students at the school on 3 different levels. Tier 1 - whole school- learning opportunities provided to all students. Tier 2- Group support- a number of programs have started this term. Namely:
- HeART Program funded by the School Youth Focussed Program . Supporting female students from year 7 to 10
- Caring Teens Year 7 and 8 program
- Flourish Year 9 and 10 program
Tier 3- On an individual level- Approximately 50 students are currently receiving support from the wellbeing team on an individual basis.
Resident Art Therapist Rhiannon Glasser attends the school on a Thursday and provides students with individual therapeutic support via the art medium.
What the future holds:
A number of programs are being planned for Term 3 and Term 4
-Supporting students where a member of the family is ill
-Seasons of Growth- Grief, Loss and Change program
-Chin Up- Supporting young man - Term 3
-Parent workshops Term 2 and Term 3
-Love Bites Year 9 and 10 program
Just a reminder that referrals to the wellbeing team can be made by - Students, Teachers/ Staff and Parents.
Breakfast Club continues to run every Tuesday morning. We are working on breakfast being offered to students more than 1 morning per week.
State School Relief: If you require financial assistance with school uniform or books please contact the wellbeing team whom can help in this area.
Take care,
Tanya Vella
Student Wellbeing Manager
The weather is catching up to the season! The mornings are starting to feel colder, days are unpredictable and the sun usually tries to peek through in late afternoon. All elements of four seasons in one day!
Winter is around the corner and self-care is important to keep healthy and happy. There are understandable approaches to self-care during the colder months; stay warm, eat healthy winter food and stay connected to family and friends for positive mental health. However there are other approaches to look at for self care. Attached is a headspace website focusing on “What self-care strategies work for you?” This is a very useful article sharing meaningful tips and strategies to support you and your wellbeing care.
Enjoy the changing colours, fluctuating climate, and beauty of the season ahead.
Beverley Hardi
A lot of students that I am seeing for individual counselling have raised concerns around friendship issues in the school. Beverley and I will be running the Caring Teens for Year 8 girls this term that we hope will encourage positive relationships with their peers and create a sense of belonging amongst other female students. We welcome the feedback of any involved students and their parents and teachers on how this group may be supporting this group of students with any friendship issues they may be experiencing.
We are looking forward to seeing more of the students in the groups that are running this term.
Screen Time
Useful apps for young people and families
Calm Harm - Calm Harm | ReachOut Australia
Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self harm. You can add your own tasks too and it’s completely private and password protected.
Clear Fear- Home - Clear Fear App
Clear Fear provides you with a range of ways to manage the symptoms of anxiety
Beyond Now Create your Beyond Now safety plan online - Beyond Blue
Mental health safety planning
Smiling Mind App — Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a unique tool developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life.
Useful Websites
Kids helpline
Butterfly Foundation
Relationships Australia
Safe Steps