Assistant Principal's Update

Welcome to Term 2!
This term our teachers have embarked on another learning expedition, sharing ideas to enhance their teaching practice and create a learning environment where all students can reach their fullest potential. Our learning focus this term is on literacy, in particular the explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies - Inferencing, Summarising and The Register Continuum where students learn and practice using language that moves from the everyday and concrete to the highly technical and abstract.
Teachers will teach and coach our students will learn together how to infer meaning from text, how to summarise the main ideas from text and then how and or why they should shift their language from a most spoken-like text to a more formal text. Teachers at JFC will provide a scaffolding framework for students as they work through these activities to develop control of any given genre and its register.
You can try this summarising activity at home, its a fun way to engage with your child and mirror the learning in class.
After you watch the short film, complete the following summarising activity.
Somebody - Who is the main character?
Wanted - What does the character want, what is their goal?
But - What is the problem in the story, what is keeping them from their goal?
So - What is the solution to the problem or how does the character reach their goal?
Then - How does the story end?
Maria Hristova
Assistant Principal
Excellence in Teaching and Learning