Classroom Connections,

Prep A

It has been an exciting start to school for Prep A! Some of our highlights have included making new friends, learning our weekly words, meeting our Grade 5 buddies and learning new skills in our weekly circus lessons with Madame LaForest.


Every week we have been learning a new ‘word of the week’ by following the SMART Spelling program. We make crafts related to the word and practise our letters and sounds everyday. This week, our word was ‘sun’ and we made suns using paper plates and paper.


We loved meeting our Grade 5 buddies and getting to know them. We enjoyed having lunch with them and listening to our buddies read stories. 

Every Wednesday, we love going to our circus skills lesson with Madame LaForest, where she teaches us skills to balance, hula-hoop and juggle. 


We cannot wait for another fun term of learning in Term 2!