From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,



School photos and Sibling photos have been taken today and yesterday. Please see the School Photos page within the newsletter for instructions on ordering photos.


School ends next Thursday at 2.30pm. This is our last day of term 1 and we will commence learning in term 2 on Monday April 19th, at 8.45 am when the classroom doors open for our students to return to school.  Please arrange an early collection of your children next Thursday or organise care with TeamKids.


Our recent School Council meeting saw the election of a new President. Our new President is Joseph Chang and he assumes the role from Stephen Loyer who has led our council so admirably over the last 6 years.


The 2021 office bearers for the School Council are;

President                       Joseph Chang

Vice President             Melinda Howard

Treasurer                       Tom Roth


We welcomed our new Council members Adina Nijemcevic and Ben Avanzi.


Our School Council operates a number of sub committees and we are seeking parent input into the valuable work undertaken by these working groups


Policy – work on updating and developing policy that guide the operation of the school.

Buildings and Grounds – work on maintaining and developing the school facilities for the benefit of our community.

Finance - this team support the financial operation and management of the school’s programs.

OSHC- work with TeamKids to provide the best possible program for our families.

Masterplan - this team are working on the masterplan and how this is can be used to lobby for funding and support from Government.

Food Provision - this new group are being asked to develop a tender process, terms of reference and look at the menu options available for the provision of lunch orders at the school.


Each sub committee is led by a Convenor and  reports directly to Council. They usually meet once a month (or as required) for around one hour at a time / venue agreed to by the group.


Please contact the school via email to express an interest in working as part of the sub committee team and we will provide you with further details and information.


Lost property has built up over the term and we ask families to check this collection and reclaim any lost items.


The Parent Committee held their Annual Meeting this morning and we had many of our class convenors in attendance. We look forward to our Parent Committee organising many events and community activities over the year ahead. Please support their efforts and help out when you can. The new executive team is Lori Silver, Amy Pate, Valeria Green and Maria Palazon.


The next P.C. meeting is planned for 20th April at 7pm.  Details to follow.




We know that many families will be gathering together to celebrate Passover this weekend. This is the festival which celebrates the freedom of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. We would like to wish all those families who celebrate, a happy festival of freedom!


The holiday break will also mark the start of Easter observances and celebrations for many other communities. Understanding difference and recognising other cultural events is an important part of our community and why our setting is such a special one to be part of.


We held our Parent volunteers training this week and we welcome the involvement of our families and friends in our classroom based programs commencing early in term 2. Please contact your classroom teacher to offer your support.


Walk to School Day.  Wednesday 31st March. The drop off/start points for the Walk to School day are:

  • Corner of Hawthorn Rd and Dandenong Highway
  • Corner of Balaclava Rd and Normanby Rd
  • Corner of Hawthorn Rd and Glen Eira Rd
  • Corner of Balaclava Rd and Ontario St

Students and families are invited to meet up from 8.10am. Teachers will be waiting at the designated drop off spots and will leave and head towards school at 8.20. Hope everyone can join in.



From Mme. Pommier

French Director


Chère communauté à CJC,


Festival du film français


CJC est, cette année encore, l’heureux partenaire du Festival du Film français organisé par l’Alliance française. Lundi 29 mars, tous nos élèves du CE2 à la 6e, se rendront au Palace Brighton Bay pour visionner le superbe film de Nicolas Vanier, Poly. Une magnifique occasion de faire voyager nos élèves dans la culture française.


Présentation de Auburn High School 


Ce matin, nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir Maria Karvouni, Principale de Auburn High School, la coordinatrice du programme français, Geneviève Papon, ainsi que Pauline Delhostal, du programme binational de l’école secondaire Auburn High School, Lycée franco-australien de Melbourne. AHS est l’une des écoles de choix pour nos élèves qui terminent leur éducation bilingue à Caulfield Junior College.  En effet, leur programme est homologué par le ministère de l’Éducation Nationale depuis 2016 en tant qu’établissement partenaire de l’AEFE (Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger).  Merci à toutes les familles qui ont assisté, ce fut un grand plaisir de vous revoir!



Les Évaluations nationales


Nos élèves de 6ème du Programme français binational ont terminé leurs Évaluations Nationales hier matin.  Nous sommes impatients de découvrir leurs résultats qui vous seront communiqués très prochainement. Bravo à tous, nous sommes déjà très fiers de vous !



Semaine de la francophonie : Concours poétique autour du thème de l’air


Un grand bravo pour la créativité dont nos élèves ont su faire preuve. Nous annoncerons, lors de notre prochaine assemblée, lundi 29 mars, les heureux gagnants de ce concours organisé par le Lycée Condorcet de Sydney.


Les vacances scolaires


La fin de ce trimestre bien rempli est déjà à nos portes, les élèves terminent à 14h30 jeudi prochain, le 1er avril.  Je profite de cette occasion pour vous souhaiter d’excellentes vacances auprès de vos familles et amis.  Au plaisir de vous retrouver au 2e trimestre.


Dear CJC community,


French Film Festival


This year again, CJC is a proud partner of Alliance Française’s French Film Festival.  On Monday March 29, all our Grade 3 to 6 students will head to the Brighton Bay Palace Cinema to view a fantastic movie from Nicolas Vanier, Poly.  This is a great opportunity to immerse our student in our beautiful French culture.


Presentation from Auburn High School


This morning, we had the pleasure of welcoming Maria Karvouni, Principal of Auburn High School and Geneviève Papon, French program coordinator at Auburn High School’s French Lycée of Melbourne’s.  AHS is one of the preferred education facilities for our students who are completing their primary bilingual education and wish to continue their French education journey.  Indeed, the program has been accredited by the Education Nationale since 2016, as a member of the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad) school network.  Thank you to all the families who attended, it was a real joy to meet with you again!

French National Assessments


Our Year 6 students, from the French Binational Program, completed their French National Assessment yesterday morning. We are looking forward to receiving their results, which will be communicated to the families shortly. Well done to all, we are very proud of you.

Francophonie Week: Poetry Competition on the Theme of “Air” 


Congratulations to all the students who have demonstrated such creativity!  At assembly on Monday March 29, we will announce the proud winners of this event organised by the Lycée Condorcet in Sydney.


School Holidays


We are soon reaching the end of this very busy first term, the students will be dismissed at 2.30pm next Thursday, April 1st.  I would like to wish you all a fantastic break with your families and friends.  I look forward to seeing you again in term 2.


Caroline Pommier

Directrice du Programme français binational

French Director