P & F News 


The last week of Term 1 has arrived – how quick did that go?  And what a wonderful term it was! Children, staff and parents all seemed to settle in nicely to on-site learning and the P&F are proud to say that we had a successful fundraising term that not only raised much needed funds for our children’s learning space and education, but also offered our children and extended community with fun and entertaining social ways to engage.


THANK-YOU firstly to our wonderful P&F members – the dedication, time and effort you put into producing these events, does not go unnoticed. Without your hard work, our children would not be given the many opportunities they have to engage with each other, their teachers and families. These are the memories they will take with them from Primary School!


THANK-YOU secondly to the parent volunteers who alongside the P&F are the backbone of our school fundraising events. More than ever, we are very grateful that you are our ongoing support and that with your assistance we are able to run these events smoothly.


THANK-YOU thirdly to the staff at St. Fidelis who dedicate their time to assist at events, complete administration duties and positively engage with the students to make the events a memorable experience for them.


And last but not least, THANK-YOU to our event SPONSORS and to ALL of our SCHOOL COMMUNITY for your monetary and product donations. The funds raised at our events will go a long way in improving the overall quality of the school, by assisting with completion of ongoing school projects, purchases of school resources and much more.

*Please note, early in Term 2, a Term 1 summary of funds raised and proposed use of funds will be communicated to all parents. We are just awaiting final fundraising figures from the ‘Colour Explosion Fun Run’ and the “Easter Raffle’.


Before you continue to read on, I would like to say, on behalf of the P&F we wish all the St. Fidelis School community a HAPPY EASTER and SAFE HOLIDAYS! 

Upcoming Events

2nd Hand Uniform Stall – Thursday 1st April from 12:45pm - 1:15pm (last day of term 1)

Easter Raffle

Thanks to Angela, Anastasia and team who put together the most wonderful prize hampers thanks to your generous donations and support. Students and families will be notified of the winning tickets. 

Second Hand Uniform Sale

As you know, the 2nd hand uniform stall that was set to occur, was unfortunately cancelled due to poor weather conditions. We apologise if this cause any inconvenience. However, our wonderful P&F uniform members are already planning an early Term 2 stall – date/time to be advised.  In the meantime, we are requesting that you continue to sift through your child’s uniforms these holidays, and any item of school clothing that no longer fits them and that are in good quality condition, please donate for re-sale at our stalls. Thank-you to those of you who have already donated your children’s pre-loved uniforms. Recycling these items is not only environmentally friendly but also a great fund booster for the school J

Lastly, thank-you to Sarah, Dan, Carly and Rose who have all played their part in organising and running these stall for us.

Icy Pole Fridays

Well that’s a wrap! Icy Pole Fridays for Term 1 are now over! I’m sure that the students looked forward to purchasing their Zooper Doopers every Friday lunch, as much as Rose and team enjoyed taking time out of their day to put smiles on our children’s faces.  A HUGE thank-you from Rose, Sandra, Liz, Gabby, Sue, Evelyn, Josie, Bec, Fon, Ray, Lisa & Vanessa and the P&F committee who assisted with organisation and distribution of icy poles throughout Term 1. *Icy Pole Fridays will recommence in Term 4.   

 Colour Explosion School Fun Run 

Before you read on for the Colour Explosion Fun Run summary (from Lucy Leahy) – I would like to draw to your attention the amount of TIME and EFFORT that Lucy, alongside her team put into making this evening such a fun and successful way to finish up the term. THANK-YOU Lucy for all your hard work, thank-you staff, parent volunteers and sponsors for your support and thank-you St. Fidelis family and friends for attending the event with your enthusiasm and support. 



WOW what a night! What an amazing effort, together we raised an approximate total of $10,000 for the school. This is HUGE and just goes to show what the coming together of a school community can do. AMAZING EFFORT! It was a wonderful sight to see everyone covered in colour from head to toe! It was also great to see so many families and parents enjoying a catch up- for many, the first time in over a year! And also great to meet and welcome many of our new families into the St Fidelis community.


Congratulations to our highest fundraiser, Eva D from FAM, who raised $1000! Eva will receive a medallion for her efforts. Well done Eva!


Congratulations also go to 1/2BF, who created the most online profile pages (13). All students in 1/2BF will receive a Monstar handball.


A big thankyou to Mr Jennings for his assistance with planning and running this event, we could not have done it without him. And an extended thankyou to the many staff who helped supervise the event.  A very big thank-you to the following school families who generously donated their time and PROFITS from the night:

Angela & Joseph Rocillo, owners of Food Family Passion.

Anastasia & Damian Spyrou from Village Bakery with their assortment of delights.

A big thankyou to Sue Cannatella and her brother Con from Front Row Entertainment for donating their photobooth, it was a big hit with the kids…and adults too!

Thanks to Adrian D’Aprano for the giant screen. This was such a great way to see our gorgeous children’s school photos.

Lastly, a big thankyou goes to the P&F committee, who without them this event could not have happened. The joy & laughter we saw on the night makes all the long hours worth every minute!

If you haven’t already ordered your prizes, you have until Tuesday 30th March to do so.

Thank-you again for your support and generosity.

We could not have done it without you.

Hot Food Day

Shout out to Rose and Teresa, Diana, Sandra, Liz, Fon, Bec & Cathy who together organised and ran our Hot Food Days for Term 1. Your time and effort on these days is greatly appreciated and very much required. Thank-you.

* APOLOGIES- in the last newsletter it was communicated that ‘Hot Food Day’ will name change to ‘Special Food Day’. After careful consideration, we have decided to refer to these days (from Term 2 onwards) as LUNCH ORDER DAY. Thank-you.

Planning for Term 2

Upcoming events for Term 2 are as follows: Lunch Order Days (previously Hot Food Days), Mother’s Day Stall and Breakfast and the St. Vinnie’s Winter Appeal. The listed events are currently being organised and discussed at our regular P&F meetings, and we look forward to presenting you with more information on these events in the coming Term 2 newsletters.

But for now – some SAVE THE DATES (may be subject to change)

St. Fidelis Feast Day – Friday 23rd April – Mass, celebration and special FREE treat for students.

Mother’s Day Stall – Week of the 3rd May

Mother’s Day Breakfast – Friday 7th May – ticketed event

Lunch Order Day – Friday 14th May

St. Vinnie’s Winter Appeal – Between May 17th to June 17th


Again, THANK-YOUfor taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!


Our next P&F meeting is booked for MONDAY 19th APRIL @7:30pm in the staff room. You are welcome to join us - please contact Josie (contact details below) if you are attending.


In addition, if you have any ideas to assist us with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:

JOSIE SERVELLO    -    0421 076 580   josieservello@gmail.com