Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

Every year, many people turn Lent into a demonstration of faith, love and generosity. During this term we have been speaking to the students of how they can be part of this incredible community, who believe that there are simple actions we can all do to “Be More” for our world. BE MORE is the slogan for Project Compassion 2021.


There have been many ways to put your compassion into action during Lent. Whatever you have chosen to do, you have been contributing towards a more fair and compassionate world.


One of those ways to BE MORE is to make a donation to Project Compassion.The money donated goes towards causes that help others who are less fortunate than ourselves.

If you have been able to collect donations during Lent, raising some money for Project Compassion can you please return it to your child/ren classroom teacher this week.


We will collect the money and then send it off to Caritas Australia. Thank you if you have been able to support this great cause.


Have a great week,

Mark MacGregor