Learning & Teaching

Our Wakakirri practices are well underway and at the end of this week important information is coming home regarding show day, costumes and ticket information. All children are encouraged to practise over the holidays as much as possible, Grade 5/6 hub educators have uploaded performance videos onto Google classroom so hopefully children can access these to guide their practices at home.
Whole School Performance
Our whole school performance practice is also underway, the theme of protecting and valuing our world ties in beautifully to incorporate our 5/6 Wakakirri item - A New World Information regarding costuming will come out before the holidays to allow some time to gather, recycle and reuse items you may already have at home. Also some children will be bringing home scripts to practise speaking parts. Performance Night is Monday August 14th at St Gabriel's Hall.
Our children have worked very hard all term learning and applying their literacy skills.
It has been wonderful seeing our P-2’s apply their effective reading strategies when power reading and in target groups. Our 3-6’s have engaged in rich discussions during book club and continue to strengthen their comprehension, vocabulary, fluency and accuracy skills.
Over the holidays, continue to read to and listen to your child read. This special time promotes brain development and imagination, develops language and emotions, and strengthens relationships.
Writing experiences for the holidays:
- Keeping a diary
- Collecting pictures, artefacts and drawings from places you've been to
- Bookmaking
- Helping around the house with cooking and cleaning
First Communion
In Term 3, we will be helping our children to learn about and prepare for First Holy Communion. All 3/4 children will learn about the Sacrament in their hub and through reflection at school. Parents and children making their First Communion are really encouraged to attend this evening. Any other families and students are also very welcome to attend.