Secondary 9/10

9/10 A
During Term 2 9/10A continued learning about different body clues and connecting them to emotions and feelings. For our Experience Days, we have been to places including the Rhododendron Gardens, Bundoora Park, Melbourne Museum, Elwood Beach and Dance Habits. We also had Zoo To You come to Concord. These activities encouraged us to experience a range of body clues such as a pounding heart and sore muscles, which we could connect to feeling scared and tired. We have also been working incredibly hard on our Discovery Unit Projects, which will showcase all of the amazing learning that has happened this term.
Additionally, we have been working on solving addition problems with up to three digits in Maths, working in our Sounds-Write groups in reading and expanding our sentences in writing.
During Term 2, 9.10B continued learning about different body clues and connecting them to emotions and feelings. For our Experience Days, we have been to places including the Dandenong Ranges Botanical Gardens, Bundoora Park, Melbourne Museum, Elwood Beach and Dance Habits Dance Studio. We also had Zoo To You come to Concord with a range of Native Australian Animals. These activities encouraged us to experience a range of body clues such as a pounding heart and tired muscles, which we could connect to feeling scared and tired. We have also been working incredibly hard on our Discovery Unit Projects, which will showcase all of the amazing learning that has happened during Term 2.
9/10 C
In Maths, students have been learning and solidifying their knowledge of multiplication and division together with graphs and data, integrating real life scenarios into mathematical problem solving.
In Reading, we have been looking at the text Soul Surfer, and students have enjoyed getting to know all the characters and analysing the text. As well as developed our knowledge with our various Guided Reading texts.
Reading - Aidan "I have enjoyed choosing my own Reading books for guided reading based on my interest".
In Writing, all the students enjoyed taking part in Procedural Writing experiences, including Subway, and the AFL skills experience.
Subway – Kira “I liked it because it was a learning experience. I felt it helped me feel more confident when I get older to order or instruct the person on what I want”.
AFL Skills – Harry “I liked the AFL skills session with Tilly and Kate, instructing us how to kick and handball a football”.
Beach Day – Trey “I loved the beach because I heard waves crashing against the beach. This experience helped with my writing.
The students have enjoyed taking part in our extracurricular activities such as Fit for Life, STEAM and their electives. The students have enjoyed getting to choose these activities and develop their relationships with a wider range of peers and skills outside the curriculum.
Fit For Life – Owen “I enjoyed Super Sports for Fit for Life, I challenge myself to keep fit, and I enjoy team games, so it worked well.
We are very proud of all their hard work this term; we hope everyone enjoys their break and has a well deserved rest. We are looking forward to seeing what Term 3 has in store for 9/10C!
Uzochi- Painting Kindness Rocks
In term 2 I enjoyed doing the painting of kindness rocks because I got to design my own rock and paint it using spray paint.
Oliver- ANZAC Day memorial Walk
In Term 2 I enjoyed the ANZAC Day Memorial Walk because I learnt a lot of things about the ANZAC soldiers and visited different ANZAC sculptures. Most of all I liked coming back to Concord School at the start of Term 2 because I missed my friends and teachers.
Phu- Subway
In term 2 I enjoy going to subway because it was my first time in 4 years ordering subway. I had a smash falafel wrap, 4 cookies and a bottle of coke. I sat downs in my mates and enjoy my food. I rated my food was about an 8/10.
Chloe-The Art Centre
In term 2 I enjoyed going to the Art Centre because I got to make my own song and play it to the class.
Joseph- The Botanical gardens
In term 2 I enjoyed going to the Botanical Gardens where we learnt about mindfulness in nature. It was nice and relaxing walking around the gardens.
Lucas- Taste Testing
In Term 2 I enjoyed doing Taste Testing. We tasted lots of different foods like jam, vegemite, coke, pepsi and more. We got blindfolded so we didn’t know what the item was, we had to guessed it. Everyone had to partner up with someone. One person was blindfolded, and one person fed the food to them. I liked it a lot, I even guessed the flavour of some chips, it was nice.
Mars- Steam
This term I enjoyed colour coding in STEAM. In colour coding I learnt how to code lots of different things, like learning how to code a soccer game and coding a dragon and knight game. I also coded a cannon ball game. I found colour coding to be really fun and very enjoyable.
"I enjoyed going to the State School Spectacular practices. We learnt more dance moves" - Kirsty
"I ran 3km at the Cross Country in Eltham. I was very sore and tired but I had a lot of fun." - Eileen
"In Term 2, I did visual arts and worked on my drawing. My favourite thing to draw was trees and mountains". - Dakoda
"I enjoyed doing the AFL clinic. The coaches helped me work on my handball and kicking technique". – Zac
"I enjoyed going on the SRC leadership camp. It was fun to go away and learn more about myself and others". - Alicia
"I was having fun at the Interschool Sport soccer with my friends. Tennis was also fun because we all enjoyed hitting the ball". – James
"In Maths, I enjoyed learning more about addition and subtraction". - Christian
"I enjoyed choir because I like singing. The group performed ‘I Love You Still’ and ‘Uptown Funk’. I enjoyed giving song suggestions". - Daniel
"We had a 9/10 Table Tennis Tournament in the common area of the 9/10 section. I organised pompoms for the cheerleaders and helped teach some moves. Lots of the students played against the teachers." – Latoya
"I enjoyed going to the Trades Expo. It was interesting to hear about all of the job opportunities for women." - Tyressha
"We ordered lunch at Subway as part of our writing subject. I ordered a meatball sub and it was delicious!" – Logan
"I have enjoyed going to WaterMarc gym during Fit For Life. I liked helping my friends use the different fitness equipment". - Bryce
"I enjoyed rock climbing in Outdoor Ed. It was fun and challenging and also a little bit scary". - Husien
It’s been a jam packed term, full of fun and frivolities. We began Term 2 with our ANZAC Day Memorial Walk, and had subsequent adventures to Subway and to Melbourne Polytechnics, an AFL footy clinic, as well as the weekly Fit For Life activities with Inter-School Sport, Watermarc Gym and Ten Pin Bowling.
Throughout the term we have been studying the text Soul Surfer, looking at the challenges that Bethany Hamilton faced whilst recovering from a shark attack, and also learning about how other members of society have battled through difficult situations, showed resilience and provided service to others.
With our writing, our focus has been on procedural texts whilst continuing to learn about ourselves and how we can offer ideas and support to others.
In maths, we have been working on our multiplication, addition and subtraction skills, as well as learning about length, volume and capacity, and also data.
We’ve had 4 new class members start this term in the form of stick insects. Our students have been great carers for the stick insects by changing the leaves each week and spraying the leaves each day. Our 3 goldfish continue to be well looked after, being fed each day (sometimes too much!), cleaning the glass, as well as changing the water each fortnight.
Have a happy and safe holidays. Bring on term 3!
Term 2 has flown past 9/10G! In Week 1 we headed to the RSL and the Greensborough War Memorial Park to learn about and commemorate ANZAC day. That was fun! The excursion that won over the most students was our writing experience trip to Subway. They all loved ordering our lunch and keep asking to do it again!
This term we have been reading all about Bethany Hamilton in the novel Soul Surfer. We learnt that she was able to persist, help others and challenge herself to surf again even after a shark attack took her arm.
Our Fit For Life sessions have continued on Wednesday. Billy and Aleshia loved the walk and talk, Sam, Fiorella and Kay went bowling, Lily, Amelie and Andilee did boxing and Tyler and Callum continued at Watermarc! Next term they will get to choose all over again!
In Maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. Our favourite task was working out how much boxes of donuts would cost when given the price of just one donut.
Some of the lucky ones got to do our brand new STEAM class this term ‘Colourful Coding’ with blocks online. Students will also get to choose a new STEAM topic next term or keep the one they love!
Yet another legendary term for 9/10H! This term saw us studying the text Soul Surfer, working on our addition and subtraction skills, writing procedural texts and continuing to learn about ourselves. After finishing Term 1 with the amazing Colour Run, we began Term 2 with our ANZAC Day Memorial Walk. We have also been working on self-regulation through experimenting with different calming and energising activities.
We have been developing our independence and confidence through our trips to Subway and presenting our work to the class. It’s been wonderful to see the class bond together and support each other through every day challenges. They are a truly wonderful class and we are proud and privileged to watch them learn and grow.
Speech Therapist: Renae Gates
Term 2 has been lots of fun! 9/10 have had great term of language experiences to support their reflective writing. It has been great to see students consolidate their learning about sentence structures and apply it to their speaking and writing tasks.