Learning and Teaching
Learning & Teaching
Inquiry: Engage & Excite
Students have begun Term 3 with extraordinary Inquiry launches to engage and excite them for their learning. The Year 5 and Year 6 learners enjoyed a ‘YES’ day, inspiring them to begin delving deeper into the curriculum area of Civics and Citizenship. The Year 3 and Year 4 students will be exploring the human body, while the Year 1 and Year 2 students will be investigating where our food comes from in the Inquiry, ‘Paddock to Plate’. Our Foundation learners are exploring ‘Our Wide World’ investigating animals, seasons and the impact humans have on our world.
These Inquiry concepts can be excellent talking points for you to engage in conversations with your child about their learning. Staff are looking forward to learning with your children, celebrating their growth and achievements.
Year 3: Numeracy - Data Literacy
Students have started a new unit of work on Multiplication and Division. We have asked our students to indicate where they think they are in the Victorian Curriculum for this area of Numeracy and set a realistic goal. The purpose of this process is to give the students ownership of their learning and foster motivation, confidence and ultimately accomplishments. Students can move their photos as they achieve. As teachers, we don’t want our student's achievements to be a mystery. This active involvement opens up a learning partnership.
Student thoughts:
I think it is really good because you can see yourself progress in maths throughout the year - Ivy
I like it because I know where I am at and where I need go - Halle
It shows you where you are at and your goals - Tommy
It will help people know what they need to work on so that they can get better - Paddy