Dates & Lunch Orders

Please refer to the Parent Google Calendar

The google calendar is designed for parents to keep up to date with school events.  

Please ensure that you are checking the Parent Google Calendar on a regular basis as dates are added throughout the year.



School Closure Days 2023 

Monday  27 March -Term 2 Planning

Tuesday  13 June -Term 3 Planning 

Friday  8 September -Term 4 Planning

Friday  24 November- Planning Day


2023 Term Dates

2023 term dates are as follows, but please keep in mind that they may be subject to change as each term staff have a full day dedicated to staff Professional learning and forward planning. 

Term 1   31 January (Foundation Students commence Term 1) -06 April Final Day Term 1

Each Wednesday in February Foundation Students are scheduled for  individual testing and do not attend school.  Full weeks for Foundation commence in March.

Year 1 - Year 6 commence Wednesday 01 February 2022  

(Y1-6 Student Testing 30 - 31st January) 

Term 2     24 April - 23 June     

Term 3     10 July - 15 September

Term 4      02 October - 15 December

Bell Times

Teacher supervision  8:40am - 9:00am 

First Bell  9:00am (Music begins playing at 8:55am) 

Fruit Break 10am

Morning Recess  11:00am - 11:30am 

Morning Eating Time 11:30 am -11:40 am

Lunch Eating Time 1:40pm - 1:50pm 

Afternoon Recess 1:50pm - 2.30pm

Dismissal  3:30pm 

Teacher supervision  3:30pm -3:45pm


Please note that lunch orders are made in the Star of the Sea Canteen next to St James. 

2023 Menu

NB  some items are only served on certain days

Details on how to set up your Flexischools account for online ordering.