Principal's News 

Dear Parents and Carers,


This is the final newsletter for the Term and what a term!


Some of the highlights of Term 2:

  • Student Learning
  • School Tours
  • HOLT Soccer Championships
  • School Production Audition
  • Tilley Tuck Shop
  • SRC Meetings
  • Student led School Assemblies
  • Prep and 6 buddy excursion to Werribee Zoo, just to name a few!

And of course I commenced the term as Acting Principal and am finishing the term as Principal at St James.  I still feel so very honored and privileged to have been appointed.


The students sharing their learning is always a highlight for me.  Recently Year 6 have been sharing their persuasive writing with me.  They would like me to consider extending the school holidays from 2 weeks to 3 weeks.


Here are some of their reasons:

  • We all need a lot more sleep to get ready for Term 3. 
  • The parents or guardians of the students of St James, need a bit more time to make all the students ready for Term 3.
  • Staff need to spend more time relaxing in their warm, comfy, homes.
  • The students, staff and parents / guardians need a lot more sleep.
  • The teachers spend a lot of time outside of school planning our amazing lessons so their brains are always Go! Go! Go! and they need to rest up, ready for Term 3, so we all can enjoy school for 2023.

Unfortunately, whilst the Year 6 students have come close to persuading me, at this point in time the school holidays commence on Friday 23rd June at 1:30pm and the beginning of Term 3 commences on Monday, 10th July at 9.00am


I would like to wish all families a safe and relaxing holiday.  For families travelling, please stay safe, we look forward to hearing about your travels upon your return.  For the families leaving St James, we wish you all the best, please come back to visit!


During the weekend we celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi, a time to celebrate the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and to deepen our appreciation for this profound mystery.


Prayer for Corpus Christi


Dear Lord, we remember those who hunger for both physical and spiritual nourishment. May our celebration of Corpus Christi inspire us to reach out to the marginalized and the suffering, offering them solace, compassion, and the hope that comes from encountering your love in the Eucharist.


As we partake in the Eucharistic feast and receive your body and blood, may our lives be transformed, and may we become true witnesses of your love in the world. May Corpus Christi be a reminder of our mission to bring your light and grace to others, spreading the Good News of salvation.


We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.




EBA - Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

A new enterprise agreement covering teachers across most of the Catholic schools in Victoria, including ours, has been approved and is in effect.


The new agreement delivers several positive changes for both our dedicated staff and the overall functioning of our school, including improved pay and employment conditions. One key aspect of this agreement is the inclusion of new time-in-lieu provisions, which will enable our teachers and support staff to accumulate additional time off when they are required to work more than their regular 38 hours per week which might include overnight camps and supervision at evening and weekend activities.


This change is a recognition of the considerable extra work our teachers are asked to do and will enhance their work-life balance and well-being.


However, implementing these changes will mean that students will finish the year a couple of days earlier than usual, on Friday 15 December. This will limit any disruption to students throughout the year and enable our staff to avail themselves of their earned time off during the holiday season, rejuvenating themselves for the upcoming year.


I am letting you know now as I wanted to give you ample time of the new finishing up date to accommodate any changes to your schedules or arrangements at what is a busy time of the year.


We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. By prioritising the well-being and work-life balance of our dedicated staff, we are fostering an environment that promotes excellence in teaching and learning.


If you have any questions or concerns about the new enterprise agreement or the revised finishing up date, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Thank you for your continued partnership as we strive to provide an outstanding education for our students.


 Vinnies CEO Sleepout Fundraising Sausage Sizzle / PJ Day

As you are aware I will be participating in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.  As a school we have organized a gold coin donation fundraising sausage sizzle / PJ Day.  The sausage sizzle will be held from 12.00noon (Vegan option available). 


Thank you to those of you who have already shown their support and donated generously to Vinnies.


Vinnies CEO Sleepout


St James has a long history of partnering with Vinnies, the Winter Appeal, Christmas hampers, Vinnies pantry and more.  This year MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) have extended an invitation to School Principals to participate in the Vinnies CEO sleepout to continue to raise awareness amongst the community about homelessness.


To continue to raise awareness within the school and community and support this important cause I have decided to participate in this year's Vinnies CEO Sleepout which is a fundraising event.  The sleepout will be held on the 22nd June.


My goal is to raise $5000 to help Vinnies provide food, accommodation and essential services to people at risk and experiencing homelessness.


If you would like to support this cause, here is a link to my fundraising page:


Thank you in advance for supporting this cause.



Staffing news - Performing Arts

As you are aware Aidan Niarros is currently our Year 6 Classroom Teacher (4 days per week) and our Performing Arts Teacher for one day a week.  Commencing next term, Aidan will teach Year 6 fulltime.  Some of you may be aware that Aidan is currently performing in a production of his own  (Seussical).  I know that some families and staff have already enjoyed his performance.  Bravo! Aidan!!  


Aidan will be on leave for the next 4 weeks - replaced by Brendan Campbell and Lisa Featherstone.


We welcome back Mrs Mandy Cooper who will take on the role of Performing Arts teacher for the remainder of the school year.


With our School Production coming up in December, we have advertised and are in the final stages of making an appointment for a School Production Director. I will provide families with an update once this appointment is made.


St James School Vision and School Priorities.  (POST  REVIEW)  Last year the school participated in our school review.  Following the review we received a report including recommendations for forward planning.  We have met as a Leadership team and in consultation with staff and MACS consultants have set our new school priorities for continuous improvement for the next four years.  (Please see the attached information).


Can I kindly ask that current families with a child due to commence Prep in 2024 submit their completed enrolment forms so additional places can be offered to new families.

Thank you!

Please note:  The School Readiness session scheduled for this evening has been postponed.  School Tour appointments can be made by contacting the front office.  Thanks



COVID-19 Safety at School (Updated protocols)

St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 

Please click here to access the School Portal



Working With Children Checks

St James is a Child Safe School.  As part of our Child Safe practices and processes we are required to maintain up to date information of parents and volunteers who hold a current (Working With Children Check) and would like to assist with a school activity.


If you currently hold a WWCC and intend on helping out with school activities in the near or not too distant future, can you please fill in the attached Google Form.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact School Admin on 


Please update your information on the following WWCC Google Form  if you have renewed or attained your WWCC.


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 



School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio (Principal)