PTA News

A focus upon driving continuous school improvement 

PTA Purchases


Thank you to families for continuing to support the PTA.  Funds raised over recent years have been put towards new seating, to be installed in front of the stage area in the coming months.


PTA Involvement


Thank you to the families that attended the PTA morning tea, Friday 21st July. We discussed providing information quantifying how individuals can assist.  The more people we have involved in the PTA, the more we can achieve, and the smaller the individual commitment.  Please consider if you can join, to help generate momentum heading into 2024.  The commitment can be as large or small as you can manage – from volunteering for specific events or driving them.  No experience is necessary, just a working with children’s check.  Please refer to the table below as a guide to involvement (more events have been run in the past and can be added if there are people to coordinate them). 

Event/RoleInvolvesRough Estimate of Time commitment
Special lunchesGenerating flyer, collating orders, organising supplies/communicating with vendors, coordinating volunteers/schedule10hours/term
Hot Cross Bun driveAdvertising, coordinating with supplier, collating orders, distribution8 hours
Mother’s & Father’s DaySelection/ordering/receipt of goods, class allocation, advertising, organising raffle, coordinating volunteers/schedule12 hours per event
Major parent social eventDecide format, seek donations, advertise, gym setup/packupSignificant - subgroup required
World Teachers’ Day morning teaCoordinating a thankyou morning tea - last Friday in October4hrs 
PFA rep at school councilZoom meeting2hrs, 8 times a year
Second hand uniform shopStock management and manning shop once/week45 mins/week

NEXT MEETING:  Friday 18th August, 9-10am - staffroom 

 - Father’s Day gifts will be allocated to classes, interest in roles/event coordination will be discussed.



  • Father’s Day Stall Wednesday 30th August 
  • Hotdog special lunch – Thursday 14th September

Note: More info/volunteer signup links will be sent via Compass closer to the dates.







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