Performing Arts

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Penelope Lang (Performing Arts)
Welcome back to school and I hope you had a restful holiday. I am looking forward to a fabulous term three together.
We have some more wonderful incursions and excursions to look forward to, including a performance from the Bangarra Dance Theatre (for our Year 2 students) and a drama and circus incursion (for our 3/4 students). It is also the term when all of our talented VSSS participants get to perform at John Cain Arena. I hope you have your tickets? (see below if you have not).
During the holidays it was Naidoc week (National Aborigines' and Islanders' Day Observance Committee). The week was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This year's theme was, 'For Our Elders'. I was very excited to attend a 'Yarning Strong' panel hosted by the talented Mitch Tambo and listened to some powerful stories from Uncle Kutcha Edwards.
I was also lucky enough to rescue a beautiful sign from Eastland shopping centre featuring the incredible artwork of Bobbi Lockyer.
Victorian State Schools Spectacular
Our VSSS singers had their first mass rehearsal at the Melbourne Town Hall last week and will attend another one on the 16th August. Our VSSS dancers will be attending their mass rehearsal at HE Parker Sporting Complex in Heathmont on Friday 4th August. I sent home a Compass message about the costume requirements for the dance excursion. They must wear their denim jeans, white trainers and bring a zip up jacket.
Please make sure you have taken note of these times and dates for our busy performance week:
- Whole Cast technical rehearsal 1- John Cain Arena - 7th September (8.30am to 7.00pm)
- Whole Cast technical rehearsal 2 - John Cain Arena - 8th September (8.00am to 6.00pm)
- Performance Day/Night - 9th September (11.00am to 9.30pm with a short break between shows).
On the performance day (9th September) you will need to make your own way into John Cain Arena and your child will need to stay at the venue until the show ends at 9.30pm. We will arrange a small dinner break between the matinee and the evening show. More information will be provided in the coming weeks.
In the Performing Arts room:
The Foundation students have been looking at the meaning of Naidoc week and the importance of Elders in our life. We read the book, 'Welcome to Country' and looked at the meaning of the words 'Aunty' and 'Uncle' in Indigenous culture. We listened to the song 'Taba Naba' sung by Torres Strait Island singer, Christine Anu and discussed the meaning of the song lyrics. We also listened to the song, 'Tagai Buway' sung by students from the Torres Strait Islands. We listened to the song, 'If my teddy bear could talk' and then wondered (with our bears) what they would say to us. The students used their fantastic and varied facial expressions and changed their tone of voice when sharing their entertaining ideas with the class. We will continue to use our creative imaginations through a variety of drama games and activities this term.
Year 1/2:
The students in Year 1 and 2 have been learning about the importance of Naidoc week with particular focus on the Torres Strait Islands. We looked at where the Islands are located, who lives there and the meaning of the five pointed star and the Dhari on the flag. We watched a video about Bobbi Lockyer who won this year's Naidoc poster competition and talked about what it means to be an Indigenous Elder. We then learnt the song, 'Sesere Eeye' which is a traditional song from the Torres Strait Islands about the well known Kingfisher bird. We added some simple traditional dance steps and then practised clapping in 3/4 time and 4/4 time before adding the djembes, tambourines and maracas. We had so much fun creating this together and we look forward to sharing it with you at our next assembly.
Year 3/4:
The students have been busy exploring the meaning of 'Eldership' and looked at the qualities of an Elder and the role they play in the community. We listened to the Indigenous artist, Bobbi Lockyer, talk about what inspires her to create her art works and the importance of Elders in her life. We then looked at the meaning of Songlines and the importance of song and dance in Indigenous culture. We listened to part of the 'Gujingga Songline' being sung by Yidumduma Bill Harney. His songline captured the movements of his ancestors as they "zigzagged" through his country, naming everything as they travelled. Students then listened to an Elder talk about the song tree, 'Yingabeal' that can be found in the grounds at the Heide Museum of Modern Art in the suburb of Bulleen. We also learnt the song, 'Sesere Eeye' in two part harmony.
Year 5/6:
The term started with several students presenting their 'Performing Arts Poster Projects'. These are now on display outside the Performing Arts room so make sure to swing past and have a look. Our recent lessons together have explored the concept of Eldership in Indigenous culture and the music of Uncle Kutcha, Mitch Tambo and Uncle Archie Roach. We learnt the traditional Torres Strait Island song, 'Sesere Eeye' and discussed the changing time signatures throughout. We added djembes, tambourines, rhythm sticks and maracas and the students had opportunities to change the musical structure to add light and shade to the song. We looked at the meaning of Songlines and the importance of song and dance in Indigenous culture. We listened to part of the 'Gujingga Songline' being sung by Yidumduma Bill Harney.
VSSS Ticketing FAQs
When is the 2023 Victorian State Schools Spectacular?
The 2023 Victorian State Schools Spectacular will be held on Saturday 9 September. The performance times are 1:00pm and 6:30pm.
Where is it held? John Cain Arena, Melbourne Park
How long is the performance?
The show is approximately 2hrs 45min (including a 30-minute interval).
Do I need a ticket? You need a ticket to attend. The performance is fully reserved, allocated seating. We recommend purchasing tickets as soon as possible to choose your seats.
When do tickets go on sale?
Tickets are on sale from 11am on Wednesday 7th June.
How much are tickets?
Adult: $40 Concession: $30 Child (U15): $20
(a $6.30 service fee per transaction applies on all purchases)
There is no ‘pre-sale’, and there is no codeword or special link required. Ticket prices have not increased in the past 10 years.
Where can I buy tickets?
Tickets are available through Ticketek: or 132 849.
Ticketek is the ONLY genuine sales outlet.
Who is the show suitable for?
It is an all-ages event. However, the music can be loud for infants and toddlers.
Will there be a lockout? There will not be a lockout this year (but don’t be late!)
Where’s the best seat in the house?
As an arena performance, all seats offer full view of all the action. However, if you would like to be close to your loved one on stage, the following information (below) might be useful. USPS is Quadrant 4 for dance and Part 2 for choir.
What if I am deaf or hard of hearing?
Both VSSS performances are live Auslan interpreted. You need to use a particular LINK to book seats in the section where you'll be able to see the interpreters. (coming soon)
Mass Dance Seating Recommendations
It is suggested that the most suitable view of the respective quadrants will be from the following seating sections. These sections should be visible on the Ticketek seating map when patrons are making an online purchase.
Quadrant One (North West)
Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 47, 48, 49, 50
Quadrant Two (South West)
Sections 18, 19, 17, 45, 46, 66, 67, 68
Quadrant Three (South East)
Sections 8, 9, 10, 31, 32, 56, 57, 58
Quadrant Four (North East)***THIS IS USPS***
Sections 7, 8, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 52, 53
Mass Choir Seating Recommendations
It is suggested that the most suitable view of the respective sections will be from the following seating sections. These sections should be visible on the Ticketek seating map when patrons are making an online purchase.
Part One
Section 9, 10, 31, 32, 33, 56, 57, 58
Part Two ***THIS IS USPS***
Section 17, 18, 44, 45, 46, 66, 67, 68