Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Inquiry Overview / Term 3 Electives/ 5-6 Timetables
Fractured Fairytales (Media Arts and Critical and Creative Thinking)
This Term in Inquiry, Year 5/6 students will be exploring the world of Media Arts. Students will be exploring some key questions such as: what are some different media arts genres? How are digital stories (including film) and different media arts elements developed? What are some of the processes involved? How could you plan, produce and present your own digital story? What responsibilities do you have to produce this story appropriately and ethically? How can images, sound, effects and other elements be used to enhance digital media?
Throughout this unit students will develop their Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening skills. Students will explore the representations, characterisations and viewpoints of media arts works including film, digital stories and other media. They will develop their knowledge of structure, settings, genre, conventions, use of images, sound and text and learn skills in developing media using a variety of technologies.
For their final Inquiry project, students will be working in small groups to make a short 3 minute film based on a fairy tale (but with added twists!). Students have all chosen their fairy tale and are currently working on their scripts and are preparing to film in a few weeks.
Students will present their short films at a red carpet event in the last week of term (date TBC).
On Monday 17th July our Year 5/6 students went on an excursion to ACMI - Australian Centre for the Moving Image.
At ACMI we discovered how inventors, innovators and artists at the turn of the 20th century wielded light, split time and captured motion, heralding a technological revolution that continues today. Featuring ancient shadow puppets, Victorian-era magic lanterns, original cameras, iconic costumes, movie sets, sketches, clips and contemporary art, The Story of the Moving Image exhibit traverses time, countries and cultures in a mesmerising exploration of an art form that changed the world and illuminated our collective humanity.
Students had a fabulous exploring the exhibit.
For more information about ACMI please visit the website below:
Buddies: Year Five - Foundation
Continuing through the semester, our Year Five students have been running short Buddy sessions on a weekly basis. Here we have Justyna and Alisha reading a text to the whole group and explaining the days activities. What great little teachers we have!
Year 3-6 Electives
Starting this term, students have been enjoying their new Year 3-6 Electives. Students have been enjoying moving around the school in their new elective joining with many different students across these year levels. They have been a huge success so far with all kids getting in there and having some fun. Here are a few photos of our sessions.
Kids in the Kinder with Miss Bowles:
Getting Down with the Deck with Miss Humphries:
Cooking/no-cooking with Mrs Woollard:
Timetables - Term Three
Below you will find the base timetable for our five specialist sessions. Please be aware that these times may change due to school activities.
5/6 A
Science: Tuesday 1:20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 8.50am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11:00am
Visual Arts: Thursday 11:50am
Japanese: Thursday 1:20pm
Science: Monday 11.00am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Tuesday 2.40pm
Visual Arts: Thursday 11.00am
Japanese: Thursday 11.50am
Science: Monday 11.50am
Visual Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 1.20pm
Japanese: Thursday 11am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11.50am