Principal's Message

Please take the time to read each page of our newsletter, as we provide you with information updates across each curriculum area.
Newsletter Dates
Our newsletter continues to be published every three weeks, with the first publication of each term to be released on the Friday of Week Three.
When accessing the newsletter, please take note of the page titled ‘Calendar of Events’ which is now represented in a calendar format linked to the Compass Parent Portal Calendar.
Publishing dates for Term Three are:
- Friday 28th July
- Friday 18th August
- Friday 15th September (to encompass an end of Term Three wrap-up)
Assembly Dates
The following dates and times are applicable for the remainder of Term Three:
- Thursday 17th August 2:45pm
- Thursday 14th September 2:45pm
We encourage parents/carers/family members to attend school assemblies when available. Dependent upon weather, school assemblies are either held in our school gymnasium or our Outdoor Community Stage.
Book Week 2023- Save the date for upcoming school celebrations
As you would be aware, we have an exciting Term Three ahead of us... (on top of the already amazing things already happening such as VSSS, state aerobics, science incursions, robotics tournaments, Media arts excursions, student electives, rock performances at assemblies...ooohhh the list could go on and we have only been at school for three weeks!)
A big calendar event each year for primary schools revolves around "CBCA Book Week" which this year commences on Friday 25th August 2023. Please take note of the following important dates for our school:
- Thursday 24th August- Book Week Dress-up Day; come to school dressed as a book character with whom you connect.
- Friday 1st September- GRAND OPENING of our new Library space AND The Book Fair opens to our community
- Monday 4th September- Wednesday 6th September (inclusive)- Book Fair open to our community
In addition to the above major events, there will be lots of exciting things happening across our classrooms reflecting Book Week.
Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the dates above. Information will be distributed via Compass regarding details finer details of the Book Week Dress-Up and opening hours for our Book Fair.
Foundation Enrolments- 2024... Action Now Required
Do you have a kinder-aged child in your family who will be joining our school for Foundation 2024? If so, you need to act now!
Foundation 2024 enrolment confirmations
In 2024, Upwey South Primary School will be moving to a three-class structure for Foundation. This decision has been made in consultation with Regional Office, and is due to increased enrolment demand for a number of schools across our local area. As per the ‘Department of Education (DE) 2024 Foundation Enrolment Timeline’ confirmation of 2024 enrolments will be distributed via listed email addresses to families on Friday 4th August 2023.
Families are required to respond and accept an enrolment offer by 4:00pm Friday 25th August 2023.
Families who have not responded by this date will be contacted via telephone on Monday 28th August 2023.
Due to increased demand, please be aware that a non-response to an enrolment offer within the above timeline may jeopardise your child’s enrolment status for Foundation 2024.
If you are yet to action a 2024 Foundation enrolment, it is crucial that you do so prior to 4:00pm Friday 28th July 2023.
Celebrating Student Achievements
We have the most amazing students at Upwey South Primary School, and quite often their brilliance extends beyond the boundaries of our school fence. With community sport, artistic endeavors and other events back in full-swing we are wanting to use our newsletter as another chance to celebrate the achievements of our students beyond the school gates.
If you know of a student who has achieved something beyond the school gates which should be celebrated, please email
Communicating with the Principal
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Damien Kitch (Principal)