A Message from our 

Acting Principal's 

Jarryd & Laura Jane

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Deputy Principal's

Welcome back to Term 3!  

We are looking forward to a busy Term full of learning and many exciting events.  We encourage all parents to read your child’s Curriculum Overview via Seesaw which gives you a snapshot of what our learning intentions are for this term. One of our first events of the term includes our anticipated Wakakirri Performance at the Clocktower Centre in Moonee Ponds where our Year 5-6 children will perform and dance their story of ‘A New World’.  

100 Days of Prep

We are busily preparing for our 100 Days of Prep!  The 100th day of school is an important milestone because it marks the halfway point for the school year. At this point of the year, we reflect with children and celebrate all of the amazing accomplishments so far.


Out and About Weeks (Mon 14th Aug – Friday 25th Aug)

Our ‘Out and About’ weeks are quickly approaching and include many exciting events for all our learners. Over the coming weeks, there will be information shared about the events.  Please read this carefully and be sure to check in with your child’s educators if you have any clarifying questions.  

These events include:

  • Performance Night 
  • P-6 Camp Program Events:
    • Prep Breakfast
    • 1-2 Dinner
    • 3-4 Sleepover at St Stephen’s
    • 5-6 Camp at Lady Northcote 
  • Excursions to the Arts centre (P-4 children) 
  • Science Incursion  
  • Book Week activities and Parade

All dates for these events can be found in the ‘Important Dates’ section of this newsletter.  Please also look out on Socials (Instagram and Facebook) for information on these events. 


Next week, you will receive an Out & About Booklet that will provide you with all details for each event.


Finally, Gemma is on long service leave for the next 10 weeks.  We wish her an amazing time away with her family.  Jarryd Bradford and Laura Merrick are Acting Principal’s until Gemma’s return.  


Thank you