
Code of Conduct
This is a friendly reminder to our wonderful College community that the College has a strict College Code of Conduct and Parent Code of Conduct which applies to staff, students and families.
Our Codes of Conduct can be found in the policy section of our website together with our School Community Safety Order policy.
These policies provide details of expected behaviours towards all members of the College community both at the College and at external events, such as extra-curricular activities, and explains the potential consequences of a breach.
Artificial Intelligence
The fast development of artificial intelligence is a concept many of us are still trying to grapple with. While this everchanging development can make many nervous, it also comes with benefits so long as it is used in the correct manner.
Aitken College has developed a “Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy” which details the conditions of use approved by the College. The policy covers:
- Educational purposes
- Supervision
- Appropriate content
- Ethical use
- Safety
- Accountability
It also covers instances of strict prohibition such as:
- Cheating
- Bullying or harassment and
- Unauthorised use
The policy is available on the My Aitken parent portal
Please be aware that there is a big emphasis in the media at the moment on the safe use of AI. Families should ensure they are not sharing any personal data on these platforms. Below is a link to an article which you may find helpful in parenting through these new times of highly accessible AI.
Mrs Amy Schembri
Compliance Manager