Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Seatbelts in Buses
Students are being reminded that they must wear their seatbelt when travelling in a school bus, whether it is one of the charter buses to and from school or on an excursion. It would be appreciated if parents can also remind their children that they must be doing this.
Parent Involvement
Thank you to all of the parents who have supported the Aitken Parents & Friends Association with Term 2 activities including the Mother’s Day Breakfast, Mother’s Day Gift Stalls and the Cumberland Dance Party. Term 3 will also be busy with Pre-loved Uniform Sale (Saturday 15 July), canteen for the College Musical and Father’s Day Breakfast and Stalls. Parent involvement in school has been shown to contribute to a child’s sense of connectedness to school and their general wellbeing; your help is much appreciated by the school and by your child!