Principal's Message

Mrs Josie Crisara
The end of the semester has come quickly, but it has been an exciting and rewarding time. Students have been working hard showing commitment to learning and growth. There have been outstanding performances both in class and in co-curricular activities. Watching the youngest of students to the eldest perform in concerts, sport, clubs and House activities has been a pleasure. It is these activities that provide an enriching experience and help develop confidence and engagement with school, study and hobbies.
Thank you to parents for your support of not just your children, but also school activities. To have concerts sold out, attendance at Parents and Friends activities and even parents to assist with lobbying against the payroll tax on learning by writing to government shows your dedication and investment in education. Remember that your children do like to know that you have an interest in what they do.
I would like to acknowledge the great work done by staff. Their commitment to students' wellbeing and academic growth is commendable with the focus on ‘excellence’ across the board. Their passion for teaching and learning that inspires students to do their personal best shows that they are an integral part of all that we do.
As we look forward to the upcoming break, I encourage everyone to take time to relax, rejuvenate and reflect on the achievements and challenges of this semester. Use this time to connect with personal interests and recharge for next semester. Learning never stops, even outside the classroom, so any new experiences, explorations of interests will deliver personal growth and self-discovery.
We thank Mr Paul Scott-Williams who completed a replacement role for this term and we farewelled Ms Sheridyn Weaver (after 18 years of dedicated service to the College and Mr Joan Martinez who is moving interstate. We wish Ms Jenny Lilley and Ms Sandra Prendergast well as they take Long Service leave.
Thank you for all your contributions to our school community.
Wishing all a joyful and restful break.