Physical Education

Junior Girls AFL
The Junior (7/8) Girls AFL team had an amazing win over Gladstone Park in wet and muddy conditions. The girls played a fast game through the mid-field and won 33-14.
Primary Northern Metropolitan Region Cross Country
On Wednesday 14 June, 10 students competed at the Primary Northern Metropolitan Region Cross Country Championships against other schools in our region. It was a fantastic achievement to reach the regional finals and I am proud to say that they represented us admirably. Well done to all students on an outstanding performance! Congratulations to Mia P for progressing through to the State Finals next term.
Primary 5/6 AFL Gala Day
Yesterday AFL Victoria organised a Year 5/6 AFL Gala Day competition against other schools in our District. Students played 3-4 games, with a final being held at the end of the day. Everyone involved had an awesome day and amazing sportsmanship was displayed.
A special thank you to Mr Marks, Mrs Gilbert and Mrs Pocervina for coaching the students in the lead up to the event.
Mrs Gemma Neilson
Primary Sports Coordinator