NAPLAN & The Great Debate

NAPLAN is a hot topic of discussion it seems and at the recent debate between Wee Waa and Narrabri High Schools in the Premier’s Debating Challenge for Years 7 and 8, students were able to devise both positive and negative arguments for this topic.


The topic “That we should ban NAPLAN testing” elicited great arguments and rebuttals from both sides and provided the adjudicator, Mrs Margaret Slack-Smith with a challenging decision.


‘The adjudicator’s role is to judge on manner, matter and method and both teams performed brilliantly in each of these areas.  There were some really strong rebuttals for both sides’, explained Mrs Slack-Smith.


‘The ability of each team to develop and present persuasive arguments was impressive, with Wee Waa High School managing to win the debate by arguing their case to a very high standard’, added Mrs Slack-Smith.


Wee Waa High’s debating coach, Mrs Carmel Schwager said she enjoyed watching the debate and said ‘Individually both teams are showing great potential and I hope that each of them continue on with their debating interests. The ability to effectively argue your point is an important life skill to have.’