Important announcements

'In partnership with the wider community, our students strive for excellence and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that ensure lifelong learning and empower them to contribute to the global community.'

It is that time again when we open our school for tours in 2020

Tell your friends and join us in 2020!

We have our eSmart status and we are now an eSmart School

We are very excited to announce that all of the hard work over the past couple of years has paid off and we are officially eSmart.  Thanks to Ellis Warrener , Helen Nguyen, Ellen Fitzgerald and all staff for the amazing work in getting us eSmart. It is a team effort to keep our children and families safe online.


Why the need for eSmart?

While the internet is great for learning and socialising, at the Alannah & Madeline Foundation we hear stories every day about its pitfalls. These range from children being exposed to inappropriate content, fraud and scams, and being bullied – which can and does contribute to anxiety, depression and in extreme cases, suicide. Yes, that’s the extreme outcome, but tragically, it’s also reality. And it happens more often than you think.


As a nation, we should all be working to ensure we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.


What is eSmart?

Smart, an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, helps teachers, librarians and the greater community to best manage cyber risks, bullying and cyber bullying issues so students feel safer and supported.

It is a Framework that sits across the entire community – teachers, students, parents and the library community.

eSmart is a long-term change program designed to educate, track, monitor and prevent bullying and cyber bullying. eSmart Schools and Libraries are tailor-made and designed to effect change in that specific environment.


eSmart also supports schools and libraries to embrace the benefits of technology while reducing childrens’ exposure to cyber risks, such as cyber bullying, online sexual predation, sexting, identity theft and fraud.

It is not a band-aid or a quick fix, and, based on documented evidence, it was created to address cyber risks and help schools meet their duty of care.

Our goal is to keep children safe from bullying, cyber bullying and violence. eSmart is a way to achieve this.

New Library Concept ready for stage one of the Master plan

We are excited to share the first stage of the Masterplan with you. Just one of the results that our Capital fee in 2020 will bring...

Supervision of children before 8.20am

Reminder! Students should arrive at school at or after 8:20am - not before. Teachers do not start actively supervising until then. The gates are not open until 8.20am. We are finding more student s arriving and being left unsupervised as early as 8.00am. Any student arriving before 8:20am is encouraged to stay with an adult parent/carer until the gates are opened. Please make sure your child is looked after properly until the staff on duty can do so. Please also note pick up only after school from the Quad. Please do not let your children walk through the front parish carpark without you.

School Fee Structures 2020

In 2020 the fee structure at St Anthony's will undergo some changes that will bring us into line with the Catholic Education Melbourne Diocesan Policy and allow us to meet the financial demands of the growing needs of the school . St Anthony's fee structure has remained unchanged for 10 years and can no longer sustain the increase in the cost of providing adequate resources and opportunities.


It is compulsory for Catholic Schools to supplement Commonwealth and State Grants as part of the General Recurrent cost incurred in the running of the school. Hence it is necessary to have school fees and student fees as well as fund-raising efforts to raise money on the local level. 


It is important to mention that no student will be excluded because of an inability to pay fees. In these cases a suitable fee structure will be negotiated with the Principal.


However, it is the expectation that all families make every effort to meet their financial commitments. It is a matter of justice to all students and families that the financial burden is equally distributed.


Overall a significant increase is in the process of being approved for 2020 in the form of a capital levy to ensure that we can continue to meet the requirements of running our school, improving the physical environment and resourcing it properly for our students. 


In order to grow and improve our school we need to introduce a Capital Levy which will help maintain and grow a school with excellent resources, facilities and infrastructure. All services have increased such as electricity, water, phone, cleaning expenses, staff salaries etc..  2020 will see the introduction of a capital levy/fee to enable us to provide the best educational opportunities for our students and improve facilities. 


The family/tuition fee remains the same. This goes towards payment of tuition and covering the cost of everyday costs of running a school. We generally spend significantly more in these areas than we collect in fees. 


The student levy will remain the same. The majority of the student levy goes to supplying our classrooms (students) with materials for them to work with on a daily basis, (including books, pencils, stationary, paper etc…). The student fee is also used to resource curriculum areas such as RE, Numeracy, Literacy, Art and Craft, Science, Japanese, PE, Library and to subsidise excursions. All money collected through the student levy/fee directly provides for the students in the classroom. In fact we generally spend significantly more on the children in these areas than we collect in fees. 


The Capital fee will be a new fee. This assists in meeting loan repayments for building works, equipment purchases that we have to borrow money for and leasing of up to date technology for all students. As we know technology has a limited time that it remains current and our learners today need access to current technology. We value our facilities and grounds that provide optimal learning environments for our students and we want to maintain these standards for some time to come. 


The school Advisory Group will ratify these changes. The Advisory Group have already been a significant voice in this process and I thank them for their advice and advocating for all families.

Nude Food School

Our student leaders are environmentally determined to make our school plastic wrapper free. Many of you already pack nude food lunches - THANKYOU! This means that we need parent support in not packing any plastic wrapped food. We want you to use nude food carriers and containers. The wrappers in our playground are at a crisis point and our students are concerned. In 2020 we will be completely plastic wrapper free. Please start this now and support your children to be wise in packing their nude food lunches. This includes WATER ONLY.

Nuts at school

Please try to avoid food products with nuts especially if the product comes wrapped in plastic. We have several student with nut allergies so sending in nut free lunches is always preferred.

Every day counts - School Attendance

Each day of school missed makes a difference,

with the effect on learning accumulating over time. From an early age, if children are taught that they need to 'show up' for school and make a

commitment, this positive mentality aids academic and career success and brings benefits in adulthood.




If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school office on 95460044 by 9.00am.  Alternatively, you can email the school to notify of your child’s absence at, or log the absence via the link on the website.

If we do not receive notification of an absence by 9.30am we are required under regulations to message you at home or work to follow up the absence. Please notify the school of all absences. Please note that prolonged absences without notification will be followed up. Many days absent from school does impact on student learning and programs designed to support students.


Come and join us today - A place where young minds are set alight! Spread the news if you know anyone looking to enrol for 2021!!!!




We welcome you to be part of our Catholic community where multi-faith and multicultural people enrich learning. A Catholic School's purpose ensures learning is an adventure of discovery, possibilities and friendship where young minds are set alight. 


Where children grow academically and as caring young people. Each lesson is the pursuit of a new frontier. Our mission is much more than to help your child pass a test. It is to help shape their hearts and minds for a lifetime of success. We are focused on educating your children in the fullest sense. It is the success of our students that makes it all worth the effort. For us each day is an adventure too. When they leave our care we want to know that they are best equipped to leave their mark on the world.


It is within this community where we believe everyone has the opportunity to flourish and be known as who they are.

Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline - Anytime Any reason

The Kids Helpline has an online help domain now. Children who are not comfortable to call the 1800 number can go to the website (see the link above) and enter the age appropriate link to get mental health and wellbeing support.