Outdoor Education
The two Year 9 Outdoor Education classes went on the Great Ocean Walk Hiking Trips this term.:
9OE4D Great Ocean Walk Hiking Trip
Wednesday the 5th – Friday the 7th of May 2021
Staff: Ms Cash, Mr Childs, Mr Thomas, Ms McIntosh
9OE5B Great Ocean Walk Hiking Trip
Wednesday the 19th – Friday 21st of May 2021
Staff: Ms Cash, Mr Childs, Ms McDonald and Mr Liu.
‘The year 9 hike offered for Year 9 Outdoor Education was an amazing experience. Adventuring through the beautiful Otways National Park and walking through waist high rivers will be an experience we remember forever. Day one was a blast. The energy was off the roof and everyone was super hyped to get going. The first night was successful and everyone was out by 9am. The next day started off with some rain which put everyone down. This day was the most challenging. The hike felt never ending but we made it to the Otway’s Light Station. We had a wonderful indigenous tour and then we headed up the lighthouse for incredible views of the coastline. It was helpful to have the 3 hour break before we got back on the trail. Once we finally made it to the last night everyone was so pumped to chill out. Over all, the hike was a grand experience with many lessons on the way. Thank-you so much to our awesome teachers that came along!’
-Halle Rose, 9OE5B