Plastic Free July
It less than two weeks to go before the start of @plasticfreejuly! This is a great way to start reducing your plastic waste. You can participate here
If you don’t know where to even begin when embarking on a month without plastic, start by cutting the “Top Five” single use plastic items out of your life. These all have quite simple and painless alternatives.
Plastic bags
Water bottles
Takeaway coffee cups
Disposable face masks
Remember, reducing plastic production is the key to addressing the plastic pollution crisis.
If that’s not your thing, how about taking a look at a few easy zero waste swap suggestions to reduce your household plastic consumption:
The absolute easiest waste swap is the most basic of them all - BYO! A reusable mug and water bottle. A cutlery and reusable straw set. This eliminates the need to ever take a plastic or paper cup, which take 450+ and 20+ years to decompose, respectively. And that's not even calculating in the carbon costs of producing the item, then shipping it.
Have a reusable bag in your car or bag.
Plan ahead. You’re less likely to be caught off guard needing to use plastic if you have a glass or stainless-steel container in your bag on the off chance you’ll want to get something to eat.
Bring a snack. Packing your own goods allows you to stay in control of what is used to transport your food.
Do your research. There are biodegradable zip bags, biodegradable packaging for makeup and deodorant.
Look for a bulk store to buy dry goods, and head to a grocery store that doesn’t use plastic packaging for fresh produce. Lots of single-use plastics can be phased out if you look into eco-friendly alternatives.
DIY. Many cleaning goods are easily made at home.
Vote with your dollar. Spend your money at stores that do make the effort to introduce innovative packaging or low impact goods, and support individual companies that do the same.
If you do end up using plastic, that's okay. In certain cases it is unavoidable! Give yourself a pat on the back for caring and commit to doing better next time.
Remember to help MGC reduce waste to landfill by encouraging your kids to make their own snacks from scratch and pack their clunches in reusable containers or beeswax wraps.
And lastly, as parents, let’s stick up for our kids and their futures. We can’t stand by and leave it all up to them. Help encourage politicians to beat plastic pollution and phase out the 10 worst single-use plastics in Victoria by signing this petition.
Paula McIntosh
MGC Sustainability Team