Student Wellbeing (continued)

Wellbeing for all

We are also attaching to this edition of the newsletter the six Key Elements to Secondary Students wellbeing. We will look to include this in our pastoral care program in term 3.


The six Key Elements of Wellbeing are:

  • Emotional Literacy
  • Personal Strengths
  • Positive Coping
  • Problem Solving
  • Stress Management
  • Help Seeking

We encourage all of our families and students to take note of this information to assist them with their wellbeing.


School Holidays

With all of us now in the middle of winter we find ourselves at school holidays and given our present restrictions we may not be able to travel too far to find the sunshine.


We hope that these holidays provide all of our students a chance to rest a little, relax a little, study a little and rejuvenate themselves to approach Semester 2 with the energy that will be required to see us head towards the warmer months and the end of the year.


Please Stay Safe and Rejuvenate.


Kerrie Williams 

Assistant to the Principal - Student Wellbeing