
Year 11 Reflection Day

Students spent the day with Chris Doyle this Monday 21 June at the Marian Centre. Students explored Catholic values and ‘Planted the Seed’ for their Year 12 Retreat early next year. This Reflection Day expanded on their sense of self, encouraging them to reflect on their purpose as part of God’s plan and connecting them with community. This day supports our program of Student Leadership formation, which continued on Tuesday 30 June with the 2022 Leadership Application Launch.

Spirituality Day

On Friday 11 June staff spent the day together at the Country Club exploring the theme ‘Abundance of Love’. Mr Stephen Lawrence from Altum Leadership led sessions on the day and we also heard a beautiful and personal testimony from our very own Mr Daryl Lawrence in regards to God’s blessings and living a life with gratitude. Staff embarked on their own missionary activity in the afternoon, and spent time in an activity of service to someone in need, seeking to give from a place of love.


Remembering Illaria Donebus

On Tuesday 15 June our community gathered to remember our much loved past student Illaria Donebus. We played one of her favourite songs, ‘The Rainbow Connection’ and shared memories and stories together. We ended the service by lighting a memorial candle for Illaria and offering individual silent prayers. Thank you to Sabrina Donebus, Julia Weston and Mrs Virginia Baggio for contributing to the service. Our thoughts and prayers remain with Illaria’s family at this time.


2021 Vinnies Winter Appeal


Thank you to those families that have supported the appeal and helped those in Wagga to stay warm this winter. 












Year 9 Camp

A Reminder to parents/carers of Year 9 to please attend to the following ASAP:




Let us pray...

Jesus help us to open our minds, to learn about people seeking asylum, the difficulties they face and the treatment they are receiving when they come to Australia.

 Jesus help us to open our hearts, to share our love with people seeking asylum all over the world and especially in Australia. 

Jesus help us to open our hands, to give real help to those who are seeking asylum in whatever way we can. Jesus help us to open our whole selves, to receive the gifts that people seeking asylum in Australia bring to us. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.



Mrs Rebecca Gill | Leader of Mission