College matters

Frankston train line
The PTV has advised there will be disruptions to Frankston line trains services in coming weeks. We reinforce their advice that as these disruptions are scheduled during the school term, it is important for the school community to be aware that there will be delays to their journey and should plan ahead during this period.
Buses replace trains
Buses will replace trains on sections of the Frankston and Stony Point lines from 9pm Sunday 25 July to last service Sunday 1 August, as we remove five dangerous and congested level crossings from Edithvale to Bonbeach. Buses will also replace trains for weekend and night works on the Frankston and Stony Point lines at various times in July and August.
Edithvale, Chelsea and Bonbeach station closures and pedestrian access changes
Edithvale, Chelsea and Bonbeach stations will close from Sunday 25 July and the new stations will open in November 2021. There will be changes to how you move around the Edithvale, Chelsea and Bonbeach areas, including pedestrian rail crossing closures, to ensure the safety of the community and workers.
Find everything needed to plan your journey including; disruption and station closure information, pedestrian access changes and more at
Share student successes
We welcome being able to share the stories of student's achievements and successes in our newsletter or social media. Send the news, with a photo to Jane Garrow, Communications: