2021 Making Waves

Artwork submissions
All students are invited to submit their original artwork for consideration for the cover or as a featured image in the 2021 edition of Making Waves, MGSC's yearbook/school magazine. Making Waves is about MGSC's year, the student experience and is distributed to all students from early December.
Works could be a classroom project or an artwork especially created for Making Waves. All media – photography, graphic illustration, paint, ceramic - and all themes or inspiration are welcome. It is not limited to water and or waves.
Some other things to consider:
- It must be all original work
- Original artwork can be copied and returned
- There are image specifications for graphic designs. Size, shape etc. Check before finalising your submission. More to come on that.
Make sure your artwork has your name and year level on it. It can be hand-delivered to me in the library office or by email 09602298@mgsc.vic.edu.au
Submissions are due by Friday 27 August.
There will be more information and reminders for students on our return to onsite learning.
Get creating!
Jane Garrow
Making Waves coordinator