Sport and competition

Welcome back to what we thought was going to be a relatively smooth sporting term.
Round Robins
Unfortunately, due to Lockdown 5.0 the scheduled year 7 and 8 interschool sport round robin planned for Friday 16 July has been postponed again. I know that there many disappointed students (and staff) who have trained on numerous lunchtimes in anticipation of this day. Sometimes things get in the way beyond our control but lets hope we can put all that hard work into action on the court or field soon.
In addition to this, the Southern Metropolitan Regional Cross Country event that was scheduled for Monday 19 July has also been cancelled for the moment. Hopefully a new date will be determined soon which will be communicated to those affected.
For those sports that are scheduled over the coming two weeks including the Intermediate and Junior AFL SMR round robin, Senior SMR Netball round robin and Intermediate round robin to name a few, I am hopeful that for some of these events they will go ahead however, the final directive will come from SSV. Once information is provided I will share with those affected.
Go the Green and Gold
On a more positive note, the MGSC community had the opportunity to get into the Olympic spirit on Tuesday with a green and gold dress up day. Students were encouraged to wear the Australian colours and add a touch of Olympic spirit in order to receive House points. Well done to all those that were involved and submitted photos. The totals for each house were:
Jackson | Kenny | Mackellar | Melba |
160 | 320 | 80
| 120 |
Cross country
As noted in a previous article last term, the age group champions for Cross Country will be acknowledged at the next full school assembly. Those students involved will be contacted once a new date is determined.
Hoping to see everyone back at school and our hectic sporting calendar can resume as much as possible. For now, stay safe and well and ensure that you are looking after your own health and wellbeing.
Ilana Parker
House competition and interschool sports coordinator