Out and about

Year 7 Ricketts Point excursion
Last term 7A and 7B went on an excursion to the marine sanctuary at Ricketts Point to gather data and learn about the ecosystem from Gould League Australia presenters. The students were tasked with completing a combined assignment for maths and science that included analysis and graphing of statistics, classification of organisms and ecosystems. \
In the photos show students gathering data using thermometers, light meters and moisture meters and using quadrat sampling to compare the habitats of seaweed and molluscs in the low and mid tide ranges.
Thank you to Suzanne Thornley (laboratory technician) who assisted with the organisation and transport of the measuring equipment as well as attending on the day and Edwige Kozinski (7A Maths).
Diana Gilbert (7B Maths and Science Teacher)
STEAM Learning Specialist & Science Domain Leader
Students of Year 9 Media completing an introductory shooting activity to reinforce their learning of camera shot sizes and camera angles using basic 'point and shoot' cameras.
This is a lead up to preparing students for the analogue SLR cameras for their work of CAT 1 - Photography.
Lisa Blumenstein
Visual Art Domain Leader