
We recently welcomed back to MFG such a genuine bunch of past students to work with our Intermediate VCAL and Year 12 students. Each alumna had a different secondary school experience, full of ups and downs, and has gone on to follow their own unique pathway. However, what was unanimous was the fact that MFG was a supportive, inclusive and nurturing secondary school; full of opportunity, with many long-lasting memories created.
Thank you, Serena Gravett ‘17, Ashlee Hume ‘15 and Madi Williams for attending both the VCAL and Year 12 sessions. Your advice to the Intermediate VCAL students regarding time management, staying motivated, the roles of key individuals who supported you during secondary school, how to approach potential employers for work placement and apprenticeships and how you came to be where you are now, was invaluable. Your stories were motivating and showed students where grit and hard work can get you.
Thanks also to twins, Tilly Baker ‘12 and Isabelle Baker ‘12, as well as Megan Kaiser ’18, for joining Serena, Ashlee and Madi on the Q&A panel attended by Year 12 students. The aim of this session was to ‘check-in’ with Year 12 students at the mid-point of their final year of school.
Year 12 students were asked to reflect on how they were feeling, their concerns and what they needed help with/advice on, and were invited to submit pre-prepared questions and/or ask adlib questions on the day. The questions (as usual) were plentiful with some rich discussions had.
Megan’s message was clear: accept every opportunity that is presented and give everything a go, even if you feel as though you may not hit the mark - you may just be surprised by the outcome! Whilst Tilly and Isabelle personified that there is more than one post-secondary school pathway that can be taken, with no pathway being right or wrong as long it is right for the person involved. Tilly spoke of her gap year which went for nine years (she has recently returned to study!!) whilst Isabelle spoke about her linear pathway and how a working holiday in Japan, teaching English, confirmed her desire to pursue a Master of Teaching.
I have no doubt that our alumni and their stories will have touched many of our students whilst sparking interests and reassuring them that they will, in fact, be okay.
If you are a past student of MFG and have not yet reached out, please get in touch: