Library News

The 2021 Premiers' Reading Challenge is well underway and well done to the 40+ students who signed up for the 2021 Challenge. Good luck everyone. Email Miss Marshall if you need help to give ratings or add books - remember to do Challenge and Choice books :)
PRC Website for logging in and info:
Children's Book Council of Australia Book Week 2021 POSTPONED UNTIL WE ARE ONSITE
MFG Lineup
1 Daily Literature Quiz - Lucky dip prizes - drawn at 1pm every day - see in the library foyer for entry box and questions
2 Book Week Dress ups Date TBC theme Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds - See Compass and our Student Leadership Team is coming to classrooms to promote - Donate a book instead of bringing a gold coin on the day if you can :)
3 Lunchtime Book Week performance - storytelling with Ms Niki Na Meadhra - 25 students only in Bell Tower Drama Room - ticketed event - sign up in the library and collect golden ticket - please eat before you attend - strictly starting 1pm. See poster below. Obviously date will be confirmed when we are on site :)
3 Lunchtime Literature Kahoot with House Points awarded - Senior Students Leadership Team
4 Writing Competition drawn at 3.30 p.m. September 30th - see competition outline below.
Theme: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds - We think the image below captures the theme! We will have Library Displays showcasing our Historical Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy collections and hope to get some great photos of students and staff dressed as their favourite characters from these genres. Many students have already shared their costume ideas. I've found great ideas on Pinterest. Don't forget the Wizarding World, the Wizard of Oz, The Hunger Games, Game of thrones, Starwars or your favourite historical fiction character!!! Dress as a fictional character from an old world new world or other world. Lots of time to get your costume planned or to team up with mates - we will take lots of photos for the year book so you will be immortalized.
Book Week Donations for Rotary
In lieu of the gold coin donation usually collected during casual dress and themed dress ups at MFG we always collect donated books for Rotary - so it's a good chance during home based learning to clean out the book cases at home. Our boxes for donations are in the library foyer - you are welcome to drop the books in on the day. Thanks for your help. Hope to see your creative costumes!!! The date for Book Week Dress Up Day will be confirmed when we are back on site - likely to be in OCTOBER !!!!
Book Week Writing Competition
Our annual writing competition is open RIGHT NOW though- see below!!! Good Luck. Now closing Thursday Sept 30th extended !!!
Donated books
We are pleased and thankful to receive donated books in good condition to be distributed to Rotary for their mega annual sale. Our big drive for donated books for Rotary is during Book Week (Date TBC) There is a big box in the library foyer for book donations. Every year our MFG VCAL students assist with price labelling the books in the Geelong West Town Hall for the big Rotary book sale. Take the time during Lockdown to gather any books at all to donate for this worthy cause!!
Donated fabric for craft club
Craft Club runs every Friday - we are currently making applique bags. Please send any clean fabric donations to Miss Marshall, interfacing etc. I will wash the fabric and see that it's reused in craft activities. Schedule : Term 3 Bag making continues and Term 4 is 'polymer clay' and 'bead' jewellery making.
*Clubs - 2 book clubs, Friday craft club, MFG History and Archives Club on Tuesdays in the Archives Room (Merrya), Yoga and the Weird Sisters Creative Writing clubs are also held in the library when school is open. ZOOM Wednesday and Thursday Book Clubs will occur during lockdown - members will get a link invitation emailed.
Miss Marshall and Ms Kimpton
MFG Library Team