Green Team News



Did you know that almost half the waste in our bins is made up of compostable food and garden waste?! This food ends up in landfill and breaks down into environmentally damaging greenhouse gases.


To try and reduce waste and greenhouse gases the Port Phillip Council is trialling recycling hubs for community members to provide them with an opportunity to dispose of their food scraps and leftovers. Many members of our community do not have access to a kerbside food waste collection bin, so this is the perfect solution.


Sloane (a multi-age student) and her mum Nikki, have done an amazing job in speaking to the Council who are generously donating 300 compostable bin bags to our school community! This means that our school community can get behind the trial and help reduce waste and greenhouse gases while also producing a nutrient rich compost that can be used throughout Victoria.


Once we are all back at school we will be able to let you know where and when you can collect your bin bags, watch this space! Information about where the hubs are located and what can go into the bins can be found below or by visiting:



Recycling Hub Locations

  • HR Johnson Reserve, St Kilda West
  • Lagoon Reserve, Port Melbourne
  • Next to the Rats of Tobruk Reserve, Albert Park

What you can put in the bins:

  • Fruit, vegetables, cheese and eggs shells
  • Cooked & baked goods, including bread, pasta & rice
  • Coffee grounds and loose tea leaves

What you can’t put in the bins:

  • Pet waste
  • Cooked bones
  • Tea bags
  • Food packaging
  • Plastic and biodegradable bags
  • Liquids, including cooking oils, milk and yoghurt
  • Large garden waste such as lawn clippings or tree clippings

Cath Feast

Sustainability Coordinator