Student News



At South Melbourne Park Primary School, we aim to give students increasing responsibility and ownership for their learning so they can develop into independent, life-long learners. One of the best ways we could involve the students in their own learning is to have them conduct and participate in a ‘Student-Led Conference’. This means that each child conducts a ten-minute conference with a parent/carer(s) and their teacher. The Student-Led Conference replaces a Parent-teacher Interview. 



 A ‘Student-Led Conference’ is an authentic way to encourage the students to take responsibility for their own learning, actions and decisions. This process also demonstrates to the students that we positively support their learning and acknowledges the value we place on their views and the respect we have for their opinions. It also clearly demonstrates that, together, we will support their learning and celebrate their achievements.

Teachers will not be available for conversations with parents/carers without the students on the evening/day of the Student-Led Conference. This is an opportunity for students to be present. Along with the student’s mid-year report, the Student-Led conference allows for students to reflect on their improvement and learning. Please note that if there is a matter that parents/carers particularly want to discuss without their child’s presence, they are welcome to make an appointment with the teacher via email or phone. Additionally, parents can request a Student-Led Conference in a specialist area. Teachers at South Melbourne Park Primary School are always available for a meeting with parents/carers when required.



  • Advantages of student led conferences include:
  • Greater accountability by students for their own learning
  • Increased pride in achievement among students and empowers them to take greater responsibility for their learning
  • Increased confidence and learning independence by students
  • More positive student teacher relationships
  • Increased parental participation
  • Increased communication with parents resulting in a deeper understanding and confidence in what happens in school and learning
  • Links to our school values. eg. Kids at the Heart and Learning doesn’t just happen at home
  • Alignment with our school vision. ‘A place to inspire the next generation of curious minds.’


We are pleased to be running Student-Led Conferences in July in the beginning of Term 3. Learning portfolios will be collated together with the students. The learning conferences are a time when children can clearly describe their goals and achievements from Semester 1 and discuss with their parents and teacher their goals for Semester 2.



The Student Led Conference will run for 10 minutes. To encourage active participation, our conferences include these five steps: 

  1. The student begins the conference with a brief welcome.
  2. The student explains their personal or social goal.
  3. The student shares work samples in Reading, Writing and Mathematics that highlight their strengths and their future learning through learning goals.
  4. Parents/carers then respond to the presentation to clarify or expand the student’s thinking about the specific strengths and areas of improvement that were discussed.
  5. The final word of the conference is reserved for the student to respond to any ideas that were discussed during the meeting.

Each year level structures the conferences according to the needs and developmental level of the children. However, in most classrooms you can expect to see students sharing their work with their parents, several families in a space at once, a student talking to their parent/carer and teacher.

Student- Led Conferences are an important and valuable part of the rich student led learning that occurs at South Melbourne Park.

We are all learning, so next term we'll provide you with more information about “what to expect”.

We look forward to a most rewarding and positive exchange about your child’s learning journey.




As this is the first time for Student Led Conferences we have developed a process to ensure it runs smoothly. There are two descriptions, a process created for Preps and then another for the older students. We appreciate your cooperation following the process below.

Student-Led Conference Process for PREP Parents/Carers




½ minute

Student introduces their family member/guardian.The student welcomes their parents/carers into their learning space. 

3 minutes

Student Presentation of Writing Work Samples and Learning Goals.Students will share their learning goals and work samples of Writing and Mathematics. 

1 minute 


Parent/Guardian Response to student  


Here are some prompts to assist:

Where did you get your idea from?

Why did you choose this piece of work? 

Why are you proud of it?

How did your goal help you create this?

What do you want to learn next?

What do you think you'd like to work on next?

What help will you need from your teacher?

What were your challenges?

I love this piece of work because…

I like how you…

I like how you used your goal to…

I can see you worked hard at…

I really like the way you made a connection to…

Is there something we can do together at home to help you with….

The purpose of the response is:


• to expand on the student’s thinking about his or her specific strengths and areas of improvement

• to provide an additional perspective to the presented strengths and areas of improvement

• to clarify the student’s thinking about specific strengths and areas of Improvement


Sentences starters or prompts to be provided to parents before and at the conference. 




3 minutes

Student Presentation of Maths Work Samples and Learning Goals.Students will share their learning goals and work samples of Writing and Mathematics. 

1 minute 


Parent/Guardian Response to student  


Here are some prompts to assist:

Where did you get your idea from?

Why did you choose this piece of work? Why are you proud of it?

How did your goal help you create this?

What do you want to learn next?

What do you think you'd like to work on next?

What help will you need from your teacher?

What were your challenges?

I love this piece of work because…

I like how you…

I like how you used your goal to…

I can see you worked hard at…

I really like the way you made a connection to…

Is there something we can do together at home to help you with….

The purpose of the response is:


• to expand on the student’s thinking about his or her specific strengths and areas of improvement

• to provide an additional perspective to the presented strengths and areas of improvement

• to clarify the student’s thinking about specific strengths and areas of Improvement


Sentences starters or prompts to be provided to parents before and at the conference. 




½ minute

The ‘Final word’ 



The student is given the ‘final word’ to conclude the conference. This is an opportunity for the student to thank their parents or teacher or reflect on the conference. They might encourage parents/carers to see something else in the room. 

Student-Led Conference Process for years 1-6 Parents and Carers




1/2 minute

Student introduces a family member/guardian.The student welcomes their parents/carers into their learning space. 

1 minute

Personal/Social Learning 


This could be School Value, social skill, Habit of Mind. It could be what the student is proud of. 

6 minutes

Student Presentation of Work Samples and Learning Goals.

Students will share their learning goals and work samples of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. 


2 minutes

Parent/Guardian Response to student  


Here are some prompts to assist:

Where did you get your idea from?

Why did you choose this piece of work? Why are you proud of it?

How did your goal help you create this?

What do you want to learn next?

What do you think you'd like to work on next?

What help will you need from your teacher?

What were your challenges?

I love this piece of work because…

I like how you…

I like how you used your goal to…

I can see you worked hard at…

I really like the way you made a connection to…

Is there something we can do together at home to help you with….

The purpose of the response is:

• to expand on the student’s thinking about his or her specific strengths and areas of improvement

• to provide an additional perspective to the presented strengths and areas of improvement

• to clarify the student’s thinking about specific strengths and areas of Improvement

Sentences starters or prompts to be provided to parents before and at the conference. 




½ minute

The ‘Final word’ 


If students have not finished sharing their learning, we encourage parents/carers to find quiet space and continue the conference. 

The student is given the ‘final word’ to conclude the conference. This is an opportunity for the student to thank their parents or teacher or reflect on the conference.