Art & Technology 

Find us on Instagram: wantirnacollege_artsandtech

7G Textiles

Year 7 have made excellent progress in applying their production skills. Take a look at their awesome progress so far. Well done team!

7J Product Design

7J have made great progress in the workshop applying their production skills and taking their time to apply some great surface decorations such as:

  • Laser cutting
  • Painting
  • Staining
  • Wood burning

Keep up the great work team!

Vicky Rumble

Leader of Art & Technology

Year 8 Systems Technology

Year 8 students have been working hard on their circuitry this term, creating a flashing light circuit and a character to light up. There have been successes and failures and many frustrations when using the soldering iron, but they have all managed to create something great. 


Amber Thompson

Art & Technology