Senior School

Learning Recovery 

The purpose of Learning Recovery is to provide VCE and VM students an opportunity to catch up on required work/learning and to get additional support from teachers and members of the sub-school team regarding their learning. Learning Recovery is for students who have not submitted ongoing and significant amounts of homework and/or classwork. 


In the first instance, teachers will implement strategies to support students in work completion and maintain high expectations around learning, during and after classes. Teachers will provide appropriate interventions before any student is booked in for Learning Recovery. 


If students are still behind in classwork and/or homework after teacher interventions and is deemed significant and ongoing, then teachers will consider students for a Learning Recovery session. 


Learning Recovery Process 

1. Subject teachers can book a student into one of these sessions via the ‘VCE / VM Learning Recovery’ Chronicle Post.  


2. Students who receive a ‘Learning Recovery’ chronicle post are required to attend Learning Recovery, which runs every Thursday afterschool from 3:15pm – 4:00pm in the Senior Centre (F4).  VM/VPC Learning Recovery will be run weekly on a Friday at lunchtime. 


3. An automated email letter is sent to the student and parents/guardian, providing them with an overview of the sessions, their purpose, and the date. 


4. Teachers are required to inform and explain why a student have been booked into Learning Recovery, as well as detail what they need to do during this session. Teachers are encouraged to provide support and feedback before and/or during these sessions to assist students in their work and learning. 


5. If students catch up on required classwork/ homework before the week's Learning Recovery, the teacher can comment and 'resolve' the Chronicle post, which will trigger the student to be removed from Learning Recovery. 


6. Learning Recovery sessions will be supervised by a member of the Senior School team. 


7. Once a student attends their Learning Recovery session, this will be communicated via the resolved Chronicle post. 


8. If a student fails to attend the required Learning Recovery Session, they will be re-booked to Learning Recovery the following week. 


9. A student failing to attend two required Learning Recovery sessions in a row will lead to a parent phone call, parent meeting and may include an internal suspension.  


David Black, Tim Pearson 

& Darren Hoogkamer

Senior School Leaders