Kitchen Garden

3/4L & 3/4C


3/4L has started their Kitchen Garden fun, with the first session last Wednesday. 

The first (and most important) task is to come up with a creative garden themed group name. The group names that 3/4L came up with are The Rotten Pickle Squad, The GG’s (Garden Girls), The Daisy Group, Little Chilli Pickles and Big Pickle Planters. 

As a warm up, the groups explored the garden to find something starting with each letter of the alphabet. We will continue this next session. 

In small groups lead by Peta, Katrina, Bob, Libby and Allesha, the students planted climbing snow peas, purple sicily cauliflower and cabbage, harvested carrots, tomatoes and beetroot for a cooking session, top dressed and fertilised some garden beds with alpaca poo, compost and calf manure straw, weeded a garden bed, investigated the worm farms and learnt the role of being the compost leader class for the school classroom scrap composting. 

It was a beautiful afternoon in the garden with students displaying teamwork and enthusiasm. 

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who make this program so enjoyable for the students. 


3/4C had their Cooking session last Friday and created some tasty and colourful dishes. 


On the Menu:

Steamed Corn Cobs picked fresh from the garden. 

Basil Pesto Pasta using basil from the garden.

Salad of the Imagination using fresh ingredients from the garden; lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicum and beetroot. 

Scones with Rhubarb and Raspberry Jam and Cream. Rhubarb from the garden. 


Thank you to Peta, Lorrae and Janine for coming in to help the students prepare, share and clean up. We couldn’t cook the meals we do without the help of volunteers. A special thanks to Tiff who vacuumed the stadium foyer, we managed to make a lot of mess! 


Explore the recipes and have a go at making some at home with your families.