Student Safety At School

We regularly remind students to be safe when they are leaving the school grounds after school. We would appreciate it if you could also have regular conversations to also remind your children about safety.

School Grounds 

Please remind your children to;

  • refrain from riding/scooting on school grounds between 3.20 and 3.40 
  • use the crossing when crossing roads 
  • avoid crossing the railway lines as a short cut to walking home

Car park loop

  • children will be prompted to move to their car when cars are still and their car is either car 1 or 2 (please do not wave your children to get into the car if you are further down in the line, this is very unsafe)
  • remind your children to walk along the side paths only
  • parents must not park in the keep clear area at the loop (witches hats have been displayed to remind you)
  • staff will ask you to loop around again or park if your children are not at the loop when you arrive, to keep the cars flowing 

Students are supervised until 3.35, staff must be available to attend to after school meetings after this time. Please notify the office if you are running late and your child will be asked to wait for you there. 


It has also been brought to our attention by concerned parents that cars have been using the front of the school (Nicholson street driveway) to drop off / pick up students before and after school.

Please be aware that this area, (as the signs indicate) is a STRICKLY NO PARKING area between 8:30am - 4:00pm weekdays. 


Help us to keep our students safe by using the designated car parks around the school and 'The Loop' drop off zone, off Ward street.  
