Year 5/6

GRIP Leadership Conference

 A summary by Jack Quinn

On Tuesday all the Year 5/6 class went to Mt Gambier for a GRIP leadership conference. GRIP stands for GENEROSITY, RESPONSIBILITY, INTEGRITY and PEOPLE. 


We went to this conference to learn leadership and we show this by, setting an example for the ones that look up to us. At the conference, there was a section that was called 'LOUD NOISE'. It was a bit of fun and games but we still learnt lots of stuff. 'Loud Noise' was with two leaders they would chose some kids from their seats to get up on stage and play a little game.


 One of my favorites was called 'THE HUNTED'. It is were eight kids were picked and had to touch the stage, then an item would pop up on the screen and the kids would have to go and find the item in the theater. l didn’t get picked for that game but Darcy did. On the bus trip home, we got to stop at Maccas and get a choice of either chips, ice-cream or a soft drink. Overall, I thought the conference was great.





Summary of Grip By Tilly Cross

Yesterday we went to a group leadership conference in Mount Gambier. When we first got there, we went to sit down and we got given little booklets., In the booklets, there was some activities to do before it started.


When it started the person that was running it told us a bit about what we were doing today. After he told us what we were going to do we played a game. The game was called ‘Thumbs up close up’, it was where we had a sheet of things that we had to find someone that can do it. Some of the things were an only child, neat handwriting, master at table tennis, that was just some of them.


Next, we done a thing called ‘Others first’, there was four ‘h’ down the page. The first ‘h’ was hear other’s opinions, the next one was help with the little things, happiness and humility.

One of the best things we done was an activity called ’Loud Noise’, it was the best part about the day. We had to do dares and one of them was do the baby shark dance. We had to propose to the person next to us, we also had to be a chicken and peck the person next to us and the last one was pretend to be a monkey. 

It was a really fun day I would go again if I could.

By Tilly


A special thank you to Craig Shipcott for driving us as well.