Year 2/4

It might have been a short week but Year 2/4 have been busy. Year 4 have continued with their aths practice for the SGSSA Athletics on 29 March and we are in the process of selecting students for High Jump, Hurdles and 800m. Everyone has written terrific reports about the Cavendish Picnic Sports and the enjoyment of the novelty events shines through. We have also been working on 2D shapes and you can see some of our work below. Year 4/5/6 Science this week has focussed on Air Pressure and we had great fun trying to blow a pom pom out of a funnel. (hint: it was imposssible!) Year 2 Science continues with studying the life cycle of our mealworms who have now changed into alien like pupa. We can't wait to see what they come out as: butterfly, moth or something else?

                          THE PICNIC SPORTS



 The 2023 picnic sports when we started it was cold and foggy. So many people were there and my mum and dad and nan I had a great day my team is Glenelg.

We stared the ball race. I tried my hardest but I lost but I don’t care I just like having fun. I like the ball race.

We did the sack race. I was pretty good but I fell at the last second it was fun though.

My absolute favourite was the magic carpet. It is a brand-new event and it is so much fun! I loved it. 

Then my dad did the famous gumboot toss. He got about 30m. It was a really good one, I was shocked.

 And then it was lunch break and. After lunch we found out the winning team. I was extremely excited lunch finished we were about to find out the winners. In 321 the winners were… Wannon and in 2nd place was Glenelg the first time wannon won in 13 years  

They looked very happy. We might win next year.


Our Picnic Sport Day 

A Recount 

by Ava Huf 


Last Friday in 2023, was a great day because it was the picnic sports! It was so fun, there are so many to tell you, but it will take so long so I three or four. It was a perfect day it was hot, sunny and dry perfect for the beach. 

My favorite was the magic carpet. We lost the magic carpet race, but I didn’t care because the main thing is to have fun! 

My second favorite was the three-legged race! I went with Ivy for the three-legged race.          When the three-legged race started Ivy and I we were coming fourth Ivy wanted us to win, but I said “Slow down Ivy, take your time” and she did. Suddenly Jaxson and Eli fell over and Ivy and I over toke them and came 3 that’s why you should take your time because if you do not slow down you would fall over and come fourth. 

My third favourite was the hoop toss. At the start I was very nervous, scared and worried but when I threw the hoop it was further than everyone, until Emma threw the hoop that was in her hand it was even further then mine. I came second and Emma came first.

Then it was lunch that means it was the gumboot toss and this year my mum had a go and Trish won the women and the Peters dad won the men. It was the end of the day and Mrs. Ferrier announced the winner and it was………Wannon I was soooooo happy!

By Ava Huf


Our Picnic Sports Day 

A recount 

The 2023 picnic sports. The morning of the picnic it rained a lot. I was worried we couldn’t go because the rain. Luckily the picnic sports were not reported canceled. My grandparent came with my mom so many people were there on the day it was so exciting. 


Soon enough the first race was announced. It was the hurdles I walk to the start line. Ready seat go before I know it I was across the finish line in third place. I was so proud of myself and I got points for Wannon that’s my team.



The magic carpet was a new event in the picnic sports. It was series Wannon vs. Glenelg the whistle bowed Glenelg was in the lead but then Wannon raced ahead of Glenelg. Wannon won the magic carpet, it’s my favourite race.

Now it was lunch break we got 20 minutes of the lunch break we go food and drinks from the Bridge Café, the lunch break was done. Back to the intense racing. 



My partner was Mietta Price of the three-legged races. We nervously walked to the start line. The whistle blew, Mietta and I were racing through the other competitors. We got across the line and came second, we got six points for Wannon.



Everyone gathers up to see who won the 2023 picnic sports. Announcement the winner is …WANNON! YAY Glenelg still did a very good job! 


BY Gwyneth Nettleton