Year F/1

It has been another amazing week in the F/1 room. It has been so amazing working with the students and them continuing to have such a positive attitude. 

This week the preps have continued working on the sounds n, o, p and they have been doing a super job. We have continued building words and matching words that start with these sounds. 

The year 1's have continued working on /ae/ this week and they have been on the look out in books they have been reading to find the spelling. They have worked hard listening to the sounds when writing words and its great to see this then transfer across into their writing. 

We have had a lot of fun in maths this week focusing on length. We have had a couple of maths lessons outside using different materials. One activity we did was we had to find a stick. Students then had to find something shorter and longer than the stick they had chosen. They had a lot of fun looking for different items and hopping into a line from shortest to longest. We even went outside and used toy cars and measured the distance they travelled. I am really impressed with how well they worked. 

We also went into Mitchell Park in Hamilton and had a go at some Little Aths activities. Even though it was a little warm in the afternoon Miss Purnell and I were really impressed with how the students gave everything a go. It was a wonderful afternoon and we can't thank Jason enough for taking the time to go through all the activities with us. 

Thank you to Carly and Marion for joining us as well and assisting with the activities. We really appreciate your assistance on the day. 

Have a great weekend!