Upcoming Events 



06.03.23 to 24.03.23

                             Teacher/Parent Interview

15.03.23 to 27.03.23


20.03.23            Uniform Shop open 9:00am until 10:30am  

24.03.23            Whole School Assembly at 11.50am

25.03.23            Year 5 Camp Fundraiser

27.03.23            Uniform Shop open 9:00am until 10:30am  

31.03.23            Cross Country

04.04.23 to 05.04.23

                             School Photos

05.04.23            PSSA State Swimming

06.04.23            Easter Hat Parade and Raffle

                             Term Summary Reports Sent Home

                             Last Day of Term 1

07.04.23             Good Friday 



Attached for Term 1 2023 calendar. Please keep in mind this is subject to change.