Tuckshop News 

Hello to our Tallebudgera Community.


Thank you to all our new and our regular team of volunteers! It’s been a crazy busy term already.

As the term moves forward, we often become even busier. The tuckshop are always on the lookout for more new members for our team. It can be for 30 minutes or half a day. You decide. As they say, many hands make light work. This is a great chance to also meet other parents, carers and grandparents of our wonderful school. As an added incentive, we supply you with a free coffee and yummy homemade muffin.



Qkr News

Please check your child's profile to ensure the class and year level are the same. Can you also please use your child's name, not yours, as this can make it very confusing.


School lunch bag left in the car or on the kitchen bench?...... Never fear the tuckshop is here! The children will never go hungry. We offer a selected late menu on Qkr. Cut off time for ordering is 10am. 


If it is past 10am, the student is sent to the office for a 'No lunch voucher'. The parent/caregiver is contacted to confirm the order and is advised the amount owing.

Please then head over to your Qkr App, find the menu Money owed to Tuckshop and enter the amount manually.


Desiree and the Tuckshop Team