Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow











Home and School Partnership

We value the wonderful relationships we have with parents and carers and consider the partnership between home and school to be one of the ways that we support the success of our students. 


Progress interviews with teachers commenced this week and I am very pleased to see that so many families have made appointments. During the progress interviews, teachers provide valuable information about how children are progressing and their next learning steps/goals with a focus on English and Mathematics.  Being informed, parents and carers can meaningfully discuss learning with their children and offer support and encouragement.



Prep ‘P’ Day

Our Preps continue to have a great time at school and that is assisted by all the special highlights our Prep teachers plan for them. A highlight this week was ‘P Day’ when children could dress up in outfits that started with the letter ‘p’.



Wildcall Wildlife Show – Year 1

On Monday (27/2/23), our Year 1 students enjoyed learning about wildlife through a visit from Wildcall Wildlife.  They are learning about living things in Science and will use their knowledge to write information reports. 



iConnect Information Session 

Parents and carers have been invited to attend an iConnect Information Session on 13 March. Details of the invitation and RSVP have been provided on ClassDojo.


This session is suitable for parents and carers of students in Year 2 to Year 6 who are interested to learn more about how bringing an iPad to school as part of the iConnect program offers enhanced learning opportunities and development of valuable skills for primary and high school.  The iConnect program is offered from Year 3 to Year 6 and participation is encouraged.


There is further information about iConnect on our website.  If your child is in Year 2, you will see a post on ClassDojo later in the year about the 2024 iConnect program and it will include any updates to the iPad models (if applicable). 


Directed by professional educators, iPads are powerful tools for teaching and learning and our team look forward to sharing practical examples about how this works during the iConnect Information Session.



Uniform Shop Change

Schools are required to retender major services at set contract junctures and recently that occurred for our uniform shop.  As a result of this process, Weareco will commence as the uniform shop at our school from the start of Term 2, with The School Locker continuing until the end of this term.


Parents and carers will receive more information about Weareco’s online ordering and operating hours closer to end of Term 1.  Weareco will open 2 mornings and 1 afternoon a week throughout Terms 2 and 3 and an additional morning a week in Terms 4 and 1 when it is typically busier. 


We thank The School Locker for providing uniforms to our students for so many years!



Zoe Harlow
