Assembly Snapshot

Friday 24 March Assembly

Hosted by Carmen and Nicky


Class Presentation Year 4McM

The Year 4's shared their writing pieces about the experience of going to visit the local kinder.


Student of the Week

Camyra R Year 1R For always using her manners in the classroom and for always being a kind member of our class.


Amelia A Year 2J For her friendly and kind manner and the way she continuously demonstrates respectful behaviours towards her peers and teachers in all her interactions.


Vihaana B Year 3A For showing kindness, empathy and consideration for others


Zara V Year 3A For her ability to follow teacher instructions, her listening skills and her willingness to reflect on her own actions.


Sienna A Year 4McD For always showing respect towards her peers. We value the kindness and consideration you show in our classroom.


Nicholas T Year 4McG For showing courtesy and kindness throughout all his interactions


Ava V Year 5M For always using her manners, paying attention and listening respectfully during whole class discussions. Keep being you, Ava!


Isabella V Year 6 For the respectful manner Bella interacts with her classmates and teachers, using polite language and speaking with honesty and integrity.




Friday 31 March Assembly

Hosted admirably by Year 4, due to the Year 6s away on camp!


Class Presentation Year 2J

Year 2 shared their learning about Harmony Day and the story of Zaccheus

Student of the Week


Mika D in Prep B For using kind words when speaking to teachers and her classmates.


Sophie M Year 1R For always listening respectfully to her teacher and her peers during learning times and being kind to others in the playground.


Rory M Year 2J For his enthusiastic approach to all activities and the respectful way he joins in discussions and listens to his peers.


Gabriela D Year 3A For showing kindness, empathy and consideration for others.


Jay P Year 4McD For always showing kindness, empathy and consideration for others. You are a wonderful friend to everyone in Year Four. 


Hugo C Year 4McG For consistently trying his best in all aspects of the school day. Well done Hugo, what a great start to the year.